Andrew Brinker
A view of Emerson's campus buildings from the Boylston St. sidewalk.
The Presidential Search Committee released a “detailed description” of what qualities it seeks in Emerson’s next president. Shared via email on Friday, the document outlined ideal experiences and critical leadership capabilities expected in the appointed leader-to-be.
“Emerson seeks a President who understands both the value of higher education and the power of communication and the arts to shape and influence our world,” the document read. “We seek a President who will work closely with all members of the Emerson community to develop a clear vision for the College that generates internal alignment, strong alumni engagement, and external philanthropic support.”
Authentic and inspirational leadership and a commitment to advancing social justice ranked among the committee’s expectations of experience. Critical leadership qualities include transformational, strategic, and organizational leadership that engages the campus and community building to support the college’s ambitions.
The document also listed “core non-negotiable values” the next president must have to support Emerson’s academic environment including equitable treatment of all, inclusion of different ideas and forms of expression, and critical and creative thinking.
Eric Alexander, chairman of the search committee, encouraged the Emerson community to share comments and ideas about the search by contacting the SpencerStuart team directly at emersonpresident@spencerstuart.com.