Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon


Despite pop culture power, ‘bitch’ not yet reclaimed

March 5, 2015

I’ve never been called a bitch and been happy about it. Since coming into my own as a feminist, I’ve learned about the widespread attempts to reclaim...

Complex identities miss the “Boat”

Complex identities miss the “Boat”

March 5, 2015

For all the early exaltations at an American show finally featuring Asian-Americans, ABC’s Fresh off the Boat is still just a mere declaration of...

Letter to the Editor from Deans Rob Sabal and Phillip Glenn

March 5, 2015

Last week’s editorial astutely summarizes the challenges faced surrounding program silos and interdisciplinary study at Emerson, and how new...

Letter to the Editor from Keith Rollinson, regarding WERS

March 5, 2015

To the Leadership at WERS:I was saddened by yesterday's lead article in the The Berkeley Beacon that describes some recent changes in programming...

More likely than not: Title IX adjudication needs moral revamp

March 5, 2015

I’ll be honest: It’s tiring that every time I admit I’ve been sexually assaulted, I get treated like some sort of helpless victim. I...

Letter to the Editor from SGA President Emily Solomon

March 5, 2015

In response to an editorial published on Feb. 2. To the Editorial Board: I’ll be the first to admit that this Student Government is different...

Proposed digital merits no badge of glory

March 5, 2015

At issue: Administrators suggest giving digital badges to students.Our take: Competency should be proven, not rewarded.  Most kids probably remember...

At Emerson, innovation ends at coursework divisions

February 26, 2015

At issue: Antiquated restrictions within majors. Our take: Academic divisions are holding students back from 21st centry industry possibilities. Emerson...

Fast fashions lasting woes

Fast fashion’s lasting woes

February 26, 2015

We live in a fast food nation. America boasts an economy grossly banking on a population conditioned to love fast and cheap products. From the golden arches...

David Carr, 1956 - 2015

David Carr, 1956 – 2015

February 26, 2015

Journalism isn’t a glamorous industry, at least not in the way Sex and the City promised the generation of wide-eyed writers and reporters eager...

Instead of romance, selfishness reigns supreme

Instead of romance, selfishness reigns supreme

February 19, 2015

With Valentine’s Day looming (or approaching, however you like to look at it) I have started thinking about marriage. Not in the Pinterest or Tumblr...

For celebrities, talent isn’t enough to excuse problematic pasts

February 19, 2015

No one wants to be the one to take off their rose-colored glasses and see a situation for the unsavory reality it actually is. Ignorance really can be...

Costly snow days put classes in perspective

February 19, 2015

At issue: Controversy brews over make up classes for snow days. Our take: We'll work it out in the end. Emerson’s recent spate of class cancellations...

For celebrities, talent isn’t enough to excuse problematic pasts

February 12, 2015

No one wants to be the one to take off their rose-colored glasses and see a situation for the unsavory reality it actually is. Ignorance really can be...

SGA starts semester with delusions of grandeur

February 12, 2015

At issue: What is the role of SGA? Our take: Concrete improvements should trump lofty aspirations  The Student Government Association is here to...

In Patriots vs. protest, racial bias revealed

In Patriots vs. protest, racial bias revealed

February 12, 2015

At 1 am on Monday, immediately following the New England Patriots Super Bowl win, there were at least 100 people gathering outside my dorm window, blocking...

For people of color, mandatory minimums with maximum damage

February 12, 2015

What’s worse: Selling drugs or killing someone with a car? According to the government, it’s the former. The federal mandatory minimum sentence...

Antiquated internship policy requires reform

February 5, 2015

At issue: Outmoded policies muddle Emerson's internship program. Our take: Internship class reforms at ELA should only be the first step. At the end...

Do no harm: Depression’s definition leaves much to be desired

February 5, 2015

Defining depression can be difficult because of how varied the disease is. With high rates of depression diagnosed nationally—it affects one in 10...

Hebdo, not hate speech

February 5, 2015

Je suis Charlie. This is the cry that could be heard throughout the streets of France and around the world this past month in response to the Jan. 7 terrorist...