Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon


Photo by Lawrence Johnson / Graphic by Hannah Nguyen

Can we meme our way to the presidency?

By Meg Richards, Staff Writer / July 25, 2024

I found out Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race from a meme. I was at the movie theater with my best friend, Camille, watching “Maxxxine”...

Illustration by Rachel Choi.

Why is Boston overrated?

By The Editorial Board / December 13, 2023

For nine months of the year, Boston is full of babies. The city seems always to be chock full of college students—so much so that the New York Post,...

Illustration by Rachel Choi.

Emerson class discussions aren’t as enriching as professors think they are

By Editorial Board / November 8, 2023

Opinions expressed in Beacon Op-Eds are not necessarily shared by the entire staff. It is the responsibility of Opinion editors to elevate each individual’s...

Illustration by Rachel Choi.

Editorial: Does Emerson College care about victims and survivors?

By The Editorial Board / October 25, 2023

Opinion editors are not responsible for agreeing or disagreeing with their writers but rather elevate each individual’s specific voice. Have you ever...

Should we have school spirit?

Should we have school spirit?

By Shannon Garrido, Hadera McKay, Sasha Zirin and Hailey Akau / September 20, 2023

After the events of orientation, where eager Emerson freshmen were welcomed by shrill undergrads serenading them in their cars, it's natural for incoming...

Illustration by Rachel Choi

Editorial: Emerson College presents: a convincing performance of inclusivity

By Editorial Board / October 20, 2022

Emerson has a fetish for marginalized communities—but it does not make itself accessible to them. And with a price tag so expensive, it is impossible...

Emersons testing site at Tufts Medical Center.

Emerson’s COVID-19 protocols for spring semester warrant criticism

By Editorial Board / January 13, 2022

With students already back on campus and in-person classes officially starting on Jan. 18, COVID-19 cases are bound to continue their rise. Given the fumbled...

Editorial: Emerson should not make winter breaks harder for International Students

Editorial: Emerson should not make winter breaks harder for International Students

November 18, 2021

A winter break away from home can be very difficult—spending the few moments off we have as college students with family can be restorative after a draining...

Editorial: Emerson should do more to address antisemitism on campus

Editorial: Emerson should do more to address antisemitism on campus

By Editorial Board / November 4, 2021

In the wake of yet another attack on Emerson’s Jewish community, it has become clear that the college needs to do more to combat antisemitism on campus.  On...

Editorial: Emerson, let students move off campus before their senior year

Editorial: Emerson, let students move off campus before their senior year

By Editorial Board / September 24, 2021

Since fall of 2017, Emerson has mandated that all students entering the college live on campus for their first six semesters, with very few exceptions...

Editorial: First-years deserve time to reacclimate after a year and a half of isolation

Editorial: First-years deserve time to reacclimate after a year and a half of isolation

By Editorial Board / September 10, 2021

Over the past year and a half, all of us have had to learn to live with the “new normal” of Zoom classes and socially distanced classrooms. However,...

Students marched through downtown Boston to protest gun laws and advocate for change. Photo: Daniel Peden/The Berkeley Beacon

The Other American Epidemic: Gun Violence

By Editorial Board / April 22, 2021

TW: This editorial contains mentions of gun violence, homicide, and suicide.  Since the pandemic began, the U.S. has shifted much of its attention...

Heres some tips and tricks from The Beacon editorial board on getting vaccinated.

Here’s how you can get vaccinated for COVID-19 in Massachusetts

By Editorial Board / April 14, 2021

Since the pandemic began, millions across the globe have waited anxiously for their turn to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. It took months of trials and setbacks,...

Emerson students receive hand sanitizer outside Tutfs testing location.

Editorial: There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but the pandemic isn’t over yet

By Editorial Board / April 8, 2021

Pandemic fatigue is rife around the globe after enduring more than a year of sacrifice and isolation. In the past year, we’ve been forced to give up...

A janitor working in the dorm hallway.

Editorial: Emerson’s staff and faculty deserve better

By Editorial Board / April 1, 2021

Emerson would be nothing without the hard work of its staff and faculty. They are tasked with cleaning our spaces, providing equipment for us, teaching...

Soledad OBrien speaking to graduates during 2019s commencement ceremony.

Should Emerson host in-person graduation?

By Editorial Board / March 25, 2021

As college students, the driving force to get us through 8 a.m. classes, midterm exams, and the ever-rising tuition rate is the monumental closing event...

Connection and communication issues stemming from Zoom discussions trigger the disorder’s inability to regulate emotions more easily, leading to frustration and anger that can last the whole day, no matter how minor the issue. The cruel irony is that the more I think about how I need to pay attention, the less I actually pay attention.

Students deserve a break now more than ever

By Editorial Board / March 11, 2021

After living through a pandemic for the past year, most of us are exhausted. The extended hours of screen time, lack of contact with friends and family,...

President Joe Biden

Biden needs to live up to his campaign promises

By Editorial Board / March 4, 2021

Joe Biden took office just over a month ago, and we’re already disappointed. At a time when millions of Americans are facing illness and job insecurity,...

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker

Massachusetts must improve its COVID-19 vaccine distribution

By Editorial Board / February 25, 2021

After a year filled with tragedy, the possibility for a return to a normal, pre-pandemic life lies almost entirely in the hands of vaccines for COVID-19....