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"The Boy and the Heron," an animated fantasy film directed by the legendary Hayao Miyazaki, immerses viewers in a surreal realm beneath...
Beginning with a 17-show North American leg, Zack Fox kicked off his tour in October and eventually brought his music and humor to the Netherlands, promising...
As the holiday season approaches, it seems Hallmark has called Sabrina Carpenter and given her this spirit’s secrets to create the best modern holiday...
From growing up in Lexington, MA, to preparing for her first-ever tour of her new EP “Lovesick,” upcoming artist Molly Grace brings together the worlds...
Spoiler Warning
Step back into the dystopian embrace of Panem as Suzanne Collins crafts a prequel that not only rivals its successors but intricately...
Against the charming backdrop of a New England boarding school, Barton Academy, a group of attired young men discover themselves lingering like snowflakes...
Emerson Urban Dance Theater brought dreaminess and vibrancy to the week with REM, their latest dance concert themed around sleep, dreams, and nightmares.
Where Boston leads, beloved "Gilmore Girls'' actress Lauren Graham will follow: The Wilbur marks the first sold-out stop of her “Have I Told You This...
Since Mesopotamia, there has been beer. And since Eadweard Muybridge, there has been cinema. No one had ever thought to combine the two—until 1997, when...
By Ali Denning, Beacon Correspondent
/ November 8, 2023
Emerald Fennel’s new film “Saltburn” had members of the Emerson community divided as they exited the Bright Family Screening Room on Nov. 1st.
When we read about history, who gets remembered? In historical fiction, who gets to be a protagonist? Emerson alum Diane Hanks ‘91 wrote her latest novel...
From the ice rinks of hockey games to the fields of soccer, football, and baseball, Thomas Day has always mesmerized audiences with his talent. Yet, it...
Since Roadrunner’s opening in March 2022, many artists have been featured on its stage. If you come an hour before doors open, you’re almost guaranteed...
Independent Film Festival Boston is hosting its Fall Focus series from Oct. 19 to 23 at The Brattle Theatre in Harvard Square.
Since the main IFFBoston...
Jakobs Castle, a new fusion band, embodies the convergence of two seemingly disparate worlds, aptly described as "beach meets internet"— a term ingeniously...