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Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon


Prioritize student safety amid COVID-19 concerns

Prioritize student safety amid COVID-19 concerns

By Editorial Board, The Berkeley Beacon / February 26, 2020

Kasteel Well officials announced on Feb. 24 that they canceled their planned four-day mandatory academic excursion to Milan, Italy, and barred students...

We support staff members joining the union

We support staff members joining the union

By Editorial Board / February 20, 2020

This is an important year for the Emerson College Staff Union. The group plans to start renegotiating their contract with the school next spring. They...


Accountability, not agendas

By Editorial Board / February 12, 2020

On their last show of 2019, The New York Times’ podcast The Daily welcomed their very own Executive Editor Dean Baquet into the studio for an episode...

Financial Equity Board should maintain transparency during financial discourse

Financial Equity Board should maintain transparency during financial discourse

By Editorial Board / February 6, 2020

The Student Government Association submitted a proposal for a new Financial Equity Board this semester to advocate for the financial needs of the Emerson...

Educate students on inclusive language for students with accessibility needs

Educate students on inclusive language for students with accessibility needs

By Editorial Board / January 29, 2020

Most people grow up learning how to use sensitive language surrounding different kinds of communities. We were all at one point in our lives taught how...

The time to take hate speech seriously is now

The time to take hate speech seriously is now

January 23, 2020

College officials reported Wednesday that four swastikas were marked in a Piano Row stairwell overnight. An email sent by President M. Lee Pelton said...

Helping Marlboro students transition through financial support is essential

Helping Marlboro students transition through financial support is essential

By Editorial Board / January 16, 2020

A guide released by the Emerson Office of Undergraduate Admissions to the Marlboro community on Dec. 19 states that Emerson will not pay for cost differences...

Executive Vice President Will Palauskas updated SGA's website on Oct. 30 to include the previously missing meeting minutes.

Vacancies on the SGA ballot should not be the norm

By Editorial Board / December 4, 2019

As Emerson continues to expand its academics and its campus, the Student Government Association functions as a vital pipeline among students, the administration,...

President Pelton met with community members in a round table session after Town Meeting. Jacob Seitz / Beacon Staff

Respect the Marlboro community by maintaining communication

By Editorial Board / November 21, 2019

This Wednesday, President M. Lee Pelton set foot in Marlboro College for the first time since announcing the Marlboro-Emerson merger. Emerson plans to...

An Asset Transfer Agreement, signed by Emerson and Marlboro, revealed that Emerson expects to receive just over $20 million from the merger.

The Marlboro College merger should be met with respect, not ridicule

By Editorial Board / November 13, 2019

In a town hall last Wednesday, President M. Lee Pelton announced that Emerson College plans to merge with Marlboro College, a small liberal arts institution...

Students deserve a stress-free registration process

Students deserve a stress-free registration process

By Editorial Board / November 7, 2019

This Monday, the registrar’s office shut down class registration for students with 92 or more credits following a technical issue. According to an email...

Editor-in-Chief Chris Van Buskirk and Copy Managing Editor Abigail Hadfield proof the final version of The Beacon before sending it to print.

On-campus media deserve financial independence from student governments

By Editorial Board / October 31, 2019

When The Beacon’s Editor-in-Chief Chris Van Buskirk stepped before the Student Government Association last week to present an amendment, he cited the...

Illustration by Ally Rzesa

Hold university administrations accountable this application season

By Editorial Board / October 23, 2019

In March, the Federal Bureau of Investigations exposed over a dozen celebrities who bought their children's acceptance into the country’s most prestigious...

Beacon Archives

Title IX hiring process failed to involve students enough

By Editorial Board / October 17, 2019

The two-year vacancy in the Title IX office is finally being filled. But the hiring process for the Deputy Title IX Coordinator has brought its own shortcomings.   The...

New England Treatment Access in Brookline began selling cannabis after opening in March. Beacon Archives.

Separate the college’s policies on CBD and THC

By Editorial Board / October 9, 2019

On Saturday, The Beacon reported that a group of college administrators are “discussing and finalizing policies” regarding the on-campus usage of CBD,...

Respect college employees with improved communication

Respect college employees with improved communication

By Editorial Board / October 2, 2019

Over the summer, the college switched their employment software from their old system, People Admin, to a new software called Workday. In the process of...

Beacon Archives

Students deserve transparent sexual assault statistics

By Editorial Board / September 25, 2019

On Wednesday, the college disseminated its annual Clery Report through a campus-wide email. The 57-page-long report details both the criminal offenses...

Beacon Archives

Abolishing admission fees could hurt student organizations

By Editorial Board / September 18, 2019

Editor's Note: Editor-in-chief Chris Van Buskirk did not contribute to or edit this editorial due to a conflict of interest.  At the Student Government...

Boston's City Hall Plaza

Don’t forget to vote local in the upcoming city council elections

By Editorial Board / September 11, 2019

The Boston City Council election this fall is quickly ramping up to be one of the most competitive in recent years with a total of 24 candidates running...

Beacon Archives

Maintaining student activism surrounding Title IX

By Editorial Board / September 4, 2019

Emerson College has a long, complicated—and, at times, bleak—history with incidents of sexual misconduct and Title IX, the federal civil rights law...