Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon


Dedicate library space to student desires

November 4, 2014

At issue: Underused library space undergoes yet another rebranding project. Our take: Really? Just over a year after the Will & Grace set was announced...

Emerson bites off less than it can chew

Emerson bites off less than it can chew

September 25, 2014

While some college students live exclusively on ramen noodles and Capri Suns, many others rely on Sodexo, Emerson’s food provider, for their daily...

Social media presents emotional outlet for users

September 25, 2014

Wake up. Tweet about how tired you are. Make a green juice smoothie for breakfast. Post a picture of it on Instagram. Check the news. Share an article...

Props for profs fly under students’ radar

September 25, 2014

At issue: Professors recognized for an array of achievements. Our take: Let’s not waste this opportunity. Emerson students are busy—walking...

The privilege pill

April 24, 2014

The light from a lamp glints off the aluminum surface of the Red Bull cans lined up along the back of the desk. Fingers are poised over the keyboard, tense...

Political convictions, not correctness

Political convictions, not correctness

April 24, 2014

A certain reaction comes to all of us each April — successive disbelief at having finished your freshman year of college, suddenly...

Learning to play fair

Learning to play fair

April 20, 2014

Growing up, I aspired to be a professional athlete. When I realized that dream would never come true, I combined my passion for sports and storytelling...

The global effects of Afghan elections

April 17, 2014

Last week, Afghanistan witnessed an estimated 60 percent of its 12 million eligible voters participate in elections to select a new president, amid threats...

Emerson’s new initiative bad for business

April 10, 2014

At issue: Emerson is expanding business offerings Our take: It shouldn't be so major Emerson’s getting down to business—or so it...

Cant we all just not get along?

Can’t we all just not get along?

April 10, 2014

At the core of a true liberal arts education is the guarantee that students will be immersed in—not just exposed to—the intellectual tensions...

The stress generation

April 10, 2014

Millennials are the lazy, unmotivated, unreliable, high-maintenance generation. If you crowdsourced articles on this stereotyped group, that’s the...

Inequality can’t be whitewashed away

Inequality can’t be whitewashed away

April 3, 2014

In 1969, The Associated Press reported Emerson “agreed to admit” 30 African-American students. The same year that astronauts first walked on...

Student efforts disprove generational stereotypes

April 3, 2014

At issue: President M. Lee Pelton requires clothing provider to ensure worker safety. Our take: Take P.R.I.D.E. in our student activities. Last week,...

When nice guys are sexist with a smile

April 3, 2014

Modern day bigotry has to be sneaky. Overt discrimination is no longer fashionable, so now all prejudices must be filtered through euphemisms and flimsy...

For the lonely, anonymity

For the lonely, anonymity

March 29, 2014

Anonymity is undeniably the zeitgeist of Emerson’s current social media activity. In the last couple of years, a variety of confession-focused pages...

At SGA speech night, the sounds of silence

March 27, 2014

At issue: Unacceptable candidate attendance at SGA speech night Our take: If SGA can’t take itself seriously, how can the rest of us? The Student...

The Russian Anschluss

March 27, 2014

The recent hostile and provocative acts committed by the Russian Federation against the sovereign state of Ukraine and Crimea in pursuance of its geopolitical...

Before athletics gets Nicol, change is due

March 20, 2014

At issue: A new era of Emerson athletics is ready to begin Our take: It's time for Emerson to publicly apologize to Hank Smith It took nearly two...

Taking charge of your vagina

Taking charge of your vagina

March 20, 2014

It is the creator of new life, contains invaluable stem cells, houses the only body part to exist just for pleasure, and still manages to bring shame to...

Learning about the vagina

Taking charge of your vagina

March 19, 2014

It is the creator of new life, contains invaluable stem cells, houses the only body part to exist just for pleasure, and still manages to bring shame to...