A resolution panel has been created as an alternative to administrative hearings for students who have violated the Code of Conduct, according to an email from Director of Student Conduct Michael Arno.
According to the 2015-2016 Student Handbook, the new panel will include two administrative members and one student. This option is available for those who choose to acknowledge responsibility when charged with a violation of the Code of Conduct prior to the hearing, according to Jason Meier, director of student activities.
The student will then meet with the panel and discuss possible sanctions, including written warnings, fines, loss of privileges, educational assignments, and possible suspension. The process does not include calling witnesses or re-examining the facts of the case.
“I am very happy to see the inclusion of the resolution panel,” Meier said. “It’s a great way for students to take responsibility for their own actions and a good way to move forward.”
The Conduct Board was previously the only avenue for students charged with a violation. It consists of three faculty and administrative members and two student members. The Board oversees hearings and determines whether the allegations against the student violating the Student Code of Conduct are true or false, according to the handbook.
Meier said that the panel’s membership is subject to change based on the student coming before it. For example, Meier said that since he oversees Greek Life, he would not be on the panel for issues involving those organizations.
The resolution panel will meet during the first and last two weeks of each semester, as well as during summer and intersession periods, according to the handbook.