The CPLA group appealed to Student Government Association for funding for their trip to Iceland in mid-October. SGA approved their appeal but CPLA was unable to start planning their trip until Risk Management, a department in the finance department that oversees organizations going abroad, gave them the go-ahead.
“The intricacy and elements of this trip regarding liability, risk, and logistics is pretty significant” Sharon Duffy, Associate Dean of Students said. “We are planning responsibly and taking every measure to ensure the safety and security of the participants.”
According to Duffy, the trip organizers were aware that it would take significant time to review the trip by Risk Management.
Once in Iceland, CPLA plans on documenting their experiences and sharing events through film screenings on their website, According to Melinda Warren, the communication director of the association, CPLA decided to send some of their members to Iceland after a group of students from Emerson visited Iceland last May.
“We specifically would like to host interviews and discussions with members of the Icelandic community,” Warren said. “Our group aims to show a side of Iceland that is more than what is portrayed in the media today.”
Warren said Iceland is often depicted as a collection of beautiful landmarks, people, and spas appealing to an older demographic. CPLA’s aim is to show Iceland’s amazing nightlife, education, and entertainment to appeal to a younger demographic.
“We have been influenced by the Inspired by Iceland campaign, and would love to contribute to the effort of increasing tourism,” she said. “Our goal is to establish a dialogue with Iceland by exploring different facets and communities, to form a better understanding of what Iceland means to its people.”
According to Alex Castillo, president of CPLA, the trip to Iceland is a global public diplomacy project.
“We are meeting with community leaders and government officials to see how American audiences can better engage with their culture,” Castillo said.