“I want to provide a high-quality, total college experience,” Ellis said.,With the school year still in its beginning stages, joining the host of new freshmen on campus is David Ellis, who recently succeeded Robert Silverman as the college’s vice president for administration and finance.
“I want to provide a high-quality, total college experience,” Ellis said. “I want to support the faculty, co-curricular, and in-classroom activities.”
As head of administration and finance, Ellis is in charge of overseeing support services and curricular, co-curricular, residential, financial and athletic operations.
Ellis has worked for more than 30 years in the business of higher education. Before coming to Emerson, Ellis served as president of Newbury College in Brookline.
“I was very lucky to have great bosses to develop me, and I hope to do the same for others,” Ellis said.
While Ellis’ r