The articles range from how to get your lady to watch sports with you to people pondering what the deal is with fellatio.,The E Spot creator Aly Casner did not take it slow in her first year of college. She saw a hole in Emerson’s literary landscape and decided that an erotic magazine was the best thing to fill it.
The articles range from how to get your lady to watch sports with you to people pondering what the deal is with fellatio. The photos accompanying the stories are ladies attempting to assert their independence from bad body image by scrawling “freedom” across their tightly clutched A cups. The E Spot aims to show students engaging in actions their parents would be ashamed of.
“I wanted to do something totally uncensored,” Casner, a marketing communication major, said. “We’re not going to change anyones words.”
Following in the footsteps of Harvard’s H Bomb and Boston University’s Boink, The E Spot is an online magazine showcasing articles on anal sex, oral sex, safe sex and the best positions in which to engage in all three.
The current staff is made up of co-founding freshmen Casner and marketing communication major Matthew Vick, along with three other Emerson students and one from the School of the Museum Of Fine Arts. Casner and Vick teamed up after hearing through friends that they both had similar independent ideas for a raunchy rag. Despite initial hesitations about collaborating on an erotic venture they found their sexual ideologies were in sync.
“We sat down and started talking and there was literally nothing we didn’t agree on,” Casner said.
She worked her connections with the SMFA to produce their newest photo shoot where artists from the school painted on naked students. Casner said the process and the final product will hopefully be featured in the new edition when it goes to print.
“It’s beautiful what people can do on bodies,” Casner said.
The E Spot is not recognized by the Student Government Association, but the magazine will be applying for recognition later this semester. Casner said that production on the site will halt for the rest of the term and she hopes it will return as a revamped print publication in the fall. The reason for the pause is so that both the staff and the Web site can be re-structured.
“What The E Spot is right now is really not in line with what we’re doing for next year,” Vick said.
The new direction of the provocative periodical hopes to emanate a more artistic vibe.
Vick said that the inspiration for The E Spot partially came from a Beacon article last semester, which profiled erotic magazines on other campuses.
Only two issues of the online publications have come out since its conception, but The E Spot has already received attention from the student body. According to Casner she received a mixed reaction to her erotic undertaking.
“I think our school needed something like this,” she said. “We had a bunch of people who loved it and still got some hate mail, but it was expected.”
Junior Chance Dorland was less than enamored with the appearance of the arousing articles.
“I think it’s kind of trashy,” the performance for media major said. “If you’re going to show people naked or half naked it should look professional, Although, the idea of seeing fellow classmates naked is appealing.”
While the founders did look into similar college magazines they found more of what they wanted to avoid than reproduce.
“We did some market research,” Vick said. “Boink, when we looked at it, was a pornography magazine and we want to separate ourselves from that term. We want it to be artistic. I don’t get Boink. If I want a porn magazine I’ll buy Hustler.”