Emerson students, faculty and staff are eligible to participate, with each team hosting a minimum of three players and a maximum of five on its roster.,The second annual Emerson Coed 3×3 Hoops Tournament will be held Dec. 9 in the Piano Row Gymnasium. The event, sponsored by the Emerson Athletic Department, will begin at 2 p.m.
Emerson students, faculty and staff are eligible to participate, with each team hosting a minimum of three players and a maximum of five on its roster. Each team must have at least one female participant.
The games will be played in a self-officiating, best-of-three series format. The first team to 11 points, or the team ahead at the 12-minute mark, will win the game, with single-elimination advancement.
No varsity basketball players are eligible to participate. Those interested may sign up by Dec. 1 in the Plus One Fitness Center or at the Athletic Department.