Your passion and concern for the suffering in Israel and Palestine is laudable.
There is tremendous suffering that you can help alleviate by volunteering for aid organizations, or if politics is your focus, by directly engaging with a national government of your choosing (and there are MANY to choose from) that could make a real impact on the conflict if they changed their policy. All of the intellectual, emotional, and creative energy you are investing could make such a positive impact on the world.
I think you have correctly recognized that it would belie your intent to suggest that your arrest is in any way equivalent to the suffering of the people of Palestine and Israel. It would distract from your real purpose to suggest that rage towards Emerson College, or focused on the person of Jay Bernhardt, should become a de facto animating force. You rightly mention in your article that you don’t want the means of your struggle to become the ends of your purpose. The journey from being outraged and aggrieved would be better suited as a constructive movement towards the goal you have clearly stated that you wish to serve: peace.
The familiar sermon from Dr. Martin Luther King, in the spirit of Easter, seems apt: “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Or, in the spirit of Ramadan, to use Safi Kafka’s translation of Qur’an 41:34 “Good and evil are never equal. Repel evil with good, and your enemy will become like an intimate friend.”
As a student of Emerson College, imagine how you might lift up the institution and your fellow students—not out of rage and opposition—but instead to find partners and call people in, and seek out opportunities to make practical changes that will directly impact the suffering. Instead of Emerson becoming the target of enmity, it can become a pool you can draw from, as you have already achieved with the FSJP. Using that platform of Emerson voices to then go out into the world can make a difference. Inspire others at Emerson to join your efforts because of the impact you have on those in the conflict.