Those who support mandatory diversity training do not understand the Constitutional implications of such a program.
What if Emerson were a conservative Christian college, and students were made to take diversity training to encourage “tolerance” and “acceptance” of fundamentalist, homophobic Christian values?
It is the exact same situation as what is being proposed at Emerson, only instead of fundamentalism, some at Emerson want to promote political-correctness.,Dear Editor,
Those who support mandatory diversity training do not understand the Constitutional implications of such a program.
What if Emerson were a conservative Christian college, and students were made to take diversity training to encourage “tolerance” and “acceptance” of fundamentalist, homophobic Christian values?
It is the exact same situation as what is being proposed at Emerson, only instead of fundamentalism, some at Emerson want to promote political-correctness.
This is the flaw with diversity training-it by necessity excludes certain viewpoints and groups whose beliefs might contradict the “open-mindedness” we so value (Nazis, religious fundamentalists, etc).
It is not fair and it is not constitutionally valid to force individuals to undergo this sort of program, no matter how much we’d like to think it would help them.
-Harry Skoyles
Junior Political communication major