Massachusetts reports 44 new coronavirus cases


State House News Service

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker

By Frankie Rowley, Content Managing Editor

Massachusetts reported 44 new coronavirus cases Monday, up from the 33 cases reported Sunday. The death toll rose by 8.

Monday’s report marks the second straight day cases have been under 50 and the eighth time they have been under 200 over the last 8 days. Cases statewide have plummeted in recent weeks, regularly falling below 500 per day and reaching levels not seen since last summer. 

The state reports two COVID-19 positivity rates—one with higher education testing and one without. On Monday, the seven-day test positivity rate with higher education testing removed sat at 0.6 percent—the lowest mark the state has reported since it began tracking the metric. This time last week, it sat at 0.8 percent. The rate that includes higher education sits at 0.4 percent. 

The state reported 138 hospitalizations Monday, down from the 181 reported this time last week. 

On Monday, Massachusetts reported 9,933 new vaccinations, bringing the state’s total to 8,281,433. More than 58 percent of the state’s population is now fully inoculated against COVID-19—meaning they have received both doses of the vaccines manufactured by Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech, or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. 

Emerson’s latest dashboard update reported no positive COVID-19 tests out of the 64 administered on Friday. 

Since summer testing began on May 3, Emerson has reported one positive test out of the 1,922 tests administered.