Off-campus lounge story was botched

By Kathryn Reiter, Junior Audio/Radio major

Dear Editor,

In “Students: Bring in the noise” Associate Dean of Students Sharon Duffy suggests that an active off-campus community “takes effort on everyone’s part.” As a part of this very effort, I am outraged by The Beacon’s glaring aversion to our word and its hypocritical response to our efforts with a lazy “Worthy try, off-campus kids.”

Mr. Lesnick, Mr. Stangl and myself were initially hesitant to give an interview to your publication but decided that with your help we might reach an audience interested in the unification of student and campus. Our initial fears were confirmed by the inclusion of our efforts in some sort of “Best Week Ever” rip-off, ironically positioned adjacent to the aforementioned editorial.

Our hopes of reaching students were severely hampered by the incredibly negligent misspellings of both my name and Mr. Stangl’s. Any e-mail directed through our Emerson accounts will not reach its destination.

While some of The Beacon’s journalists seem earnest in their efforts, this is clearly not the case of the editorial staff. It is no secret that each issue is littered with grammatical, spelling and factual errors. While it was always hard to believe that the numerous errors were simple mistakes, the lack of journalistic integrity has never been this clear