The parade, which lasted just over an hour, started at The Boston Public Library at Copley Square then traveled up Boylston Street past Emerson College, turned onto Tremont Street, and ended at City Hall Plaza where there was a brief flag-raising ceremony and remarks from city officials. The parade included over 700 participants from marching bands, community groups, and various veterans organizations.
Members of the Danvers High School Falcon Band march down Boylston Street during the 2024 Veterans Day Parade on Saturday, Nov. 9. (Arthur Mansavage/ Beacon Staff)A young child waving an American flag on Boylston Street on Saturday, Nov. 9. (Arthur Mansavage/ Beacon Staff)Members of the Boston Fire Department Honor Guard preparing to lead the parade on Saturday, Nov. 9. (Arthur Mansavage/ Beacon Staff)A person watches and cheers on the parade on Saturday, Nov. 9. (Arthur Mansavage/ Beacon Staff)Members of the Christian Brothers Academy Regimental Marching Band of Brothers from Albany New York. (Arthur Mansavage/ Beacon Staff)A member of the parade waves to spectators on Boylston Street. (Arthur Mansavage/ Beacon Staff)Members of the U.S. JROTC march down Boylston Street on Saturday, Nov. 9. (Arthur Mansavage/ Beacon Staff)Parade participants inside a Duck boat wave and hand out American flags to spectators. (Arthur Mansavage/ Beacon Staff)
Arthur Mansavage (he/him) is a junior Journalism major from Carmel, Indiana. Currently he serves as the Photography Editor and Audience Development Editor. As the Photo Editor he oversees all photo content for online and in-print and as the Audience Development Editor he oversees and manages reader experience and engagement.