Late Monday afternoon at Cambridge City Hall, hundreds of pro-Palestine protestors gathered to celebrate a Palestinian victory with signs and chants calling for the United States to stop supporting and funding Israel altogether. Shortly after the event began, a crowd of a few dozen pro-Israel counter-protesters showed up, causing tension between the two groups to rise with intense shouting, almost turning physical. Around a dozen Cambridge police officers kept the peace between the two groups throughout the night. The event, which began on the front lawn of Cambridge City Hall, lasted about an hour before the pro-Palestinian group left in a march through the streets of Cambridge.
Photos: Protesters face off at Palestinian liberation rally in Cambridge
About the Contributor

Arthur Mansavage, Photo Editor & Audience Development Editor
Arthur Mansavage (he/him) is a junior Journalism major from Carmel, Indiana. Currently he serves as the Photography Editor and Audience Development Editor. As the Photo Editor he oversees all photo content for online and in-print and as the Audience Development Editor he oversees and manages reader experience and engagement.