I would just like to thank you for your article [“Wrap It Up”, March 27] published in this past issue of The Beacon. The newest Centers for Disease Control study is an important piece of information for college students to know, and as an Emersonian myself, I was glad to see The Beacon publishing the article.,Dear Editor,
I would just like to thank you for your article [“Wrap It Up”, March 27] published in this past issue of The Beacon. The newest Centers for Disease Control study is an important piece of information for college students to know, and as an Emersonian myself, I was glad to see The Beacon publishing the article. Thanks, also, for putting the picture of Planned Parenthood’s Greater Boston clinic in the piece.
Sexual health is an incredibly important topic for college students and, whether writing more articles about STIs and the HPV vaccine, or about birth control, pregnancy options or general reproductive rights issues, Planned Parenthood is available as an expert resource.
-Heather Marie Vitale
Class of 2008
Organizational and Political
Communication Major
Planned Parenthood League of
Massachusetts Intern