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Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Latest from Editorial Board
Kim Meadows (left), the Beacon's then editor-in-chief, and Rachel Layne (right), then managing editor and current Emerson Journalism affiliated faculty member, work on laying out the school newspaper, the Berkeley Beacon, on April 12, 1989. (Photo courtesy of the Emerson College Archives & Special Collections)

Editorial: ‘Democracy dies in darkness’: Our statement of transparency

By Editorial Board / October 30, 2024
The Washington Post cannot endorse a candidate for president, and neither can The Beacon.
Illustration by Rachel Choi.

Emerson class discussions aren’t as enriching as professors think they are

By Editorial Board / November 8, 2023

Opinions expressed in Beacon Op-Eds are not necessarily shared by the entire staff. It is the responsibility of Opinion editors to elevate each individual’s...

Illustration by Rachel Choi

Editorial: Emerson College presents: a convincing performance of inclusivity

By Editorial Board / October 20, 2022

Emerson has a fetish for marginalized communities—but it does not make itself accessible to them. And with a price tag so expensive, it is impossible...

Beacon Archives

Emerson students deserve transparency on the efforts administrators make with their finances

By Editorial Board / March 23, 2022

The Berkeley Beacon editorial staff is back with another edition of, “how many times will we have to say the same thing?”  Emersonians received...

Editorial: Emerson's next president should serve students, not their pockets.

Editorial: Emerson’s next president should serve students, not their pockets.

By Editorial Board / February 3, 2022

It is well into the spring semester of the 2021-22 academic year, and Emerson College still lacks permanent leadership.  Former President M. Lee Pelton,...

Emerson's testing site at Tufts Medical Center.

Emerson’s COVID-19 protocols for spring semester warrant criticism

By Editorial Board / January 13, 2022

With students already back on campus and in-person classes officially starting on Jan. 18, COVID-19 cases are bound to continue their rise. Given the fumbled...

Editorial: Emerson should do more to address antisemitism on campus

Editorial: Emerson should do more to address antisemitism on campus

By Editorial Board / November 4, 2021

In the wake of yet another attack on Emerson’s Jewish community, it has become clear that the college needs to do more to combat antisemitism on campus.  On...

Editorial: Emerson, let students move off campus before their senior year

Editorial: Emerson, let students move off campus before their senior year

By Editorial Board / September 24, 2021

Since fall of 2017, Emerson has mandated that all students entering the college live on campus for their first six semesters, with very few exceptions...

Editorial: First-years deserve time to reacclimate after a year and a half of isolation

Editorial: First-years deserve time to reacclimate after a year and a half of isolation

By Editorial Board / September 10, 2021

Over the past year and a half, all of us have had to learn to live with the “new normal” of Zoom classes and socially distanced classrooms. However,...

Students marched through downtown Boston to protest gun laws and advocate for change. Photo: Daniel Peden/The Berkeley Beacon

The Other American Epidemic: Gun Violence

By Editorial Board / April 22, 2021

TW: This editorial contains mentions of gun violence, homicide, and suicide.  Since the pandemic began, the U.S. has shifted much of its attention...

Here's some tips and tricks from The Beacon editorial board on getting vaccinated.

Here’s how you can get vaccinated for COVID-19 in Massachusetts

By Editorial Board / April 14, 2021

Since the pandemic began, millions across the globe have waited anxiously for their turn to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. It took months of trials and setbacks,...

Emerson students receive hand sanitizer outside Tutfs testing location.

Editorial: There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but the pandemic isn’t over yet

By Editorial Board / April 8, 2021

Pandemic fatigue is rife around the globe after enduring more than a year of sacrifice and isolation. In the past year, we’ve been forced to give up...

A janitor working in the dorm hallway.

Editorial: Emerson’s staff and faculty deserve better

By Editorial Board / April 1, 2021

Emerson would be nothing without the hard work of its staff and faculty. They are tasked with cleaning our spaces, providing equipment for us, teaching...

Soledad O'Brien speaking to graduates during 2019's commencement ceremony.

Should Emerson host in-person graduation?

By Editorial Board / March 25, 2021

As college students, the driving force to get us through 8 a.m. classes, midterm exams, and the ever-rising tuition rate is the monumental closing event...

Connection and communication issues stemming from Zoom discussions trigger the disorder’s inability to regulate emotions more easily, leading to frustration and anger that can last the whole day, no matter how minor the issue. The cruel irony is that the more I think about how I need to pay attention, the less I actually pay attention.

Students deserve a break now more than ever

By Editorial Board / March 11, 2021

After living through a pandemic for the past year, most of us are exhausted. The extended hours of screen time, lack of contact with friends and family,...

President Joe Biden

Biden needs to live up to his campaign promises

By Editorial Board / March 4, 2021

Joe Biden took office just over a month ago, and we’re already disappointed. At a time when millions of Americans are facing illness and job insecurity,...

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker

Massachusetts must improve its COVID-19 vaccine distribution

By Editorial Board / February 25, 2021

After a year filled with tragedy, the possibility for a return to a normal, pre-pandemic life lies almost entirely in the hands of vaccines for COVID-19....

The exterior of Paramount Theater on Washington Street.

Emerson, please take care of your students in quarantine/isolation

By Editorial Board / February 18, 2021

Staying in isolation or quarantine after testing positive for or being exposed to COVID-19 is rarely a pleasant experience. The basic necessities like...

Maria's Taqueria

Why local businesses need student support now more than ever

By Editorial Board / February 3, 2021

COVID-19 has decimated countless American businesses. In 2021, many are struggling under new COVID safety regulations, which force them to reduce seating...

The Emerson Counseling and Psychological Services office in the Union Bank Building.

Emerson’s mental health resources need improvement

By Editorial Board / January 27, 2021

Content warning: This editorial discusses topics of depression, anxiety, suicide, and self-harm. This fall, most Emerson students dutifully followed...

Joseph R. Biden is 46th President of the United States.

We ‘settled for Biden,’ but our work has only begun

By Editorial Board / January 21, 2021

We can all breathe a sigh of relief after President Joe Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday. The tumultuous years of former president Donald Trump’s...

A student stands on a social distancing marker inside the Emerson testing center.

Emerson, cancel in-person classes immediately

By Editorial Board / November 18, 2020

This week feels like a much-anticipated moment is finally upon us. Emerson went almost three months without seeing a significant uptick in COVID-19 cases....

Whether or not we like it or want it on our list of responsibilities, change falls in our hands—on the people. This is the time for us to continue to come together, address these issues, and make this country one.

Even now, the work is not over

By Editorial Board / November 10, 2020

And just like that, President Donald Trump’s reign is over. But the work for equity? For justice? For a better world? Far from done.  Around the...

Two attendees listen to the Count Every Vote rally at Boston Common on Wednesday.

Six ways to keep up civic engagement past the presidential election

By Editorial Board / November 5, 2020

The election may be over, but our job as students, citizens, and politically engaged people is not. In fact, voting during a presidential election year...

Four Emerson students made their way through the cold and rain to vote in the 2018 midterm elections. Stefania Lugli / Beacon Staff

Make Election Day an academic holiday once and for all

By Editorial Board / October 27, 2020

A week from Election Day, the country stands more fractured and divided. With experts anticipating a voter-turnout tsunami and young people already reporting...

The Barnes and Nobles at Emerson College on Boylston St.

Waiting weeks for textbooks is unacceptable

By Editorial Board / October 21, 2020

In the midst of midterm season, some students are still waiting on one precious class material: their textbooks.  The campus bookstore has seen severe...

When it comes to COVID testing, where’s the accountability?

When it comes to COVID testing, where’s the accountability?

By Editorial Board / October 13, 2020

Since the start of the fall semester, Emerson has taken considerable action to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and prevent outbreaks on campus. Unlike...

Emerson has reported 5,093 total tests have been conducted as of Sunday, with five positives, according to the college's website.

Let off-campus students test somewhere else

By Editorial Board / August 31, 2020

Testing all Emerson students weekly is both a noble goal and a requirement this year. It’s been widely proven that the most effective way to pin down...

The entrance to Emerson's Walker Building on Boylston St.

A weekly email is not enough

By Editorial Board / August 10, 2020

Throughout the summer, Emerson administration has sent students sporadic emails. In June came the announcement that campus would reopen in late August....

We’re putting faculty and staff in danger

We’re putting faculty and staff in danger

By Editorial Board / July 28, 2020

In a world toppled by the COVID-19 pandemic, Emerson administration gave students a choice: return to an altered campus and participate in a mix of in-person...

Black Lives Matter protestors chant as they walked up Bowdoin St. approaching the State House.

For a more equitable community (and newsroom)

By Editorial Board / June 19, 2020

On June 1, as inklings of warm summer air crept in, a massive protest overtook the streets of Boston, just steps from Emerson’s campus. Demonstrators...

Emerson's Title IX office.

College needs outside experts to make desired change to Title IX policy

By Editorial Board / May 12, 2020

Last week, the school released its presidential working group draft findings, which sought to detail the sexual misconduct climate at the college through...

Claire Rodenbush had promised to bring sweeping change to SGA.

Editorial Board: Claire Rodenbush is the outside change SGA needs

By Editorial Board / April 27, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has decimated every facet of life at Emerson College, making the Student Government Association's spring election more important...

Continuing campus news coverage amid a global pandemic

Continuing campus news coverage amid a global pandemic

By Editorial Board / March 16, 2020

It’s been a hectic week, to say the least. There are 197 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Massachusetts as of Monday, according to public health officials....

Prioritize student safety amid COVID-19 concerns

Prioritize student safety amid COVID-19 concerns

By Editorial Board, The Berkeley Beacon / February 26, 2020

Kasteel Well officials announced on Feb. 24 that they canceled their planned four-day mandatory academic excursion to Milan, Italy, and barred students...

We support staff members joining the union

We support staff members joining the union

By Editorial Board / February 20, 2020

This is an important year for the Emerson College Staff Union. The group plans to start renegotiating their contract with the school next spring. They...


Accountability, not agendas

By Editorial Board / February 12, 2020

On their last show of 2019, The New York Times’ podcast The Daily welcomed their very own Executive Editor Dean Baquet into the studio for an episode...

Financial Equity Board should maintain transparency during financial discourse

Financial Equity Board should maintain transparency during financial discourse

By Editorial Board / February 6, 2020

The Student Government Association submitted a proposal for a new Financial Equity Board this semester to advocate for the financial needs of the Emerson...

Educate students on inclusive language for students with accessibility needs

Educate students on inclusive language for students with accessibility needs

By Editorial Board / January 29, 2020

Most people grow up learning how to use sensitive language surrounding different kinds of communities. We were all at one point in our lives taught how...

Helping Marlboro students transition through financial support is essential

Helping Marlboro students transition through financial support is essential

By Editorial Board / January 16, 2020

A guide released by the Emerson Office of Undergraduate Admissions to the Marlboro community on Dec. 19 states that Emerson will not pay for cost differences...

Executive Vice President Will Palauskas updated SGA's website on Oct. 30 to include the previously missing meeting minutes.

Vacancies on the SGA ballot should not be the norm

By Editorial Board / December 4, 2019

As Emerson continues to expand its academics and its campus, the Student Government Association functions as a vital pipeline among students, the administration,...

President Pelton met with community members in a round table session after Town Meeting. Jacob Seitz / Beacon Staff

Respect the Marlboro community by maintaining communication

By Editorial Board / November 21, 2019

This Wednesday, President M. Lee Pelton set foot in Marlboro College for the first time since announcing the Marlboro-Emerson merger. Emerson plans to...

An Asset Transfer Agreement, signed by Emerson and Marlboro, revealed that Emerson expects to receive just over $20 million from the merger.

The Marlboro College merger should be met with respect, not ridicule

By Editorial Board / November 13, 2019

In a town hall last Wednesday, President M. Lee Pelton announced that Emerson College plans to merge with Marlboro College, a small liberal arts institution...

Students deserve a stress-free registration process

Students deserve a stress-free registration process

By Editorial Board / November 7, 2019

This Monday, the registrar’s office shut down class registration for students with 92 or more credits following a technical issue. According to an email...

Editor-in-Chief Chris Van Buskirk and Copy Managing Editor Abigail Hadfield proof the final version of The Beacon before sending it to print.

On-campus media deserve financial independence from student governments

By Editorial Board / October 31, 2019

When The Beacon’s Editor-in-Chief Chris Van Buskirk stepped before the Student Government Association last week to present an amendment, he cited the...

Illustration by Ally Rzesa

Hold university administrations accountable this application season

By Editorial Board / October 23, 2019

In March, the Federal Bureau of Investigations exposed over a dozen celebrities who bought their children's acceptance into the country’s most prestigious...

Beacon Archives

Title IX hiring process failed to involve students enough

By Editorial Board / October 17, 2019

The two-year vacancy in the Title IX office is finally being filled. But the hiring process for the Deputy Title IX Coordinator has brought its own shortcomings.   The...

New England Treatment Access in Brookline began selling cannabis after opening in March. Beacon Archives.

Separate the college’s policies on CBD and THC

By Editorial Board / October 9, 2019

On Saturday, The Beacon reported that a group of college administrators are “discussing and finalizing policies” regarding the on-campus usage of CBD,...

Respect college employees with improved communication

Respect college employees with improved communication

By Editorial Board / October 2, 2019

Over the summer, the college switched their employment software from their old system, People Admin, to a new software called Workday. In the process of...

Beacon Archives

Students deserve transparent sexual assault statistics

By Editorial Board / September 25, 2019

On Wednesday, the college disseminated its annual Clery Report through a campus-wide email. The 57-page-long report details both the criminal offenses...

Beacon Archives

Abolishing admission fees could hurt student organizations

By Editorial Board / September 18, 2019

Editor's Note: Editor-in-chief Chris Van Buskirk did not contribute to or edit this editorial due to a conflict of interest.  At the Student Government...

Boston's City Hall Plaza

Don’t forget to vote local in the upcoming city council elections

By Editorial Board / September 11, 2019

The Boston City Council election this fall is quickly ramping up to be one of the most competitive in recent years with a total of 24 candidates running...

Beacon Archives

Maintaining student activism surrounding Title IX

By Editorial Board / September 4, 2019

Emerson College has a long, complicated—and, at times, bleak—history with incidents of sexual misconduct and Title IX, the federal civil rights law...

Editorial: Merging our identity as students and journalists in the Beacon’s recent coverage

Editorial: Merging our identity as students and journalists in the Beacon’s recent coverage

By Editorial Board / April 19, 2019

At Issue: The Beacon’s story on the removal of the list of alleged abusers Our Take: Reporting with the Emerson community in mind CW/TW: This...

Editorial: Leaving our past in the Piano Row basement

Editorial: Leaving our past in the Piano Row basement

By Editorial Board / April 18, 2019

At Issue: A moment of self-reflection before we relocate Our Take: There's still work to be done Starting this fall, the Beacon will occupy a new...

Illustration by Ally Rzesa

Editorial: Combating memories of tragedy with representations of strength

By Editorial Board / April 11, 2019

At Issue: Student involvement in Marathon Monday Our Take: Appreciate and honor the marathon   Trigger warning: This editorial addresses...

Editorial: Emerson Today's shrinking awareness of journalistic integrity

Editorial: Emerson Today’s shrinking awareness of journalistic integrity

By Editorial Board / April 4, 2019

At issue: Updates on Emerson Today Our Take: New content introduces more conflicts of interest Recent modifications to Emerson Today, an outlet run...

Illustration by Ally Rzesa

Editorial: The Berkeley Beacon endorses Pelton for President of the United States

By Editorial Board / April 1, 2019

At issue: 2020 Presidential Race Our take: #Pelton2020 President M. Lee Pelton officially announced his candidacy for president of the United States...

Editorial: College becomes increasingly inaccessible to students

Editorial: College becomes increasingly inaccessible to students

By Editorial Board / March 28, 2019

At issue: College announces 4 percent tuition increase Our take: Prioritize students' financial security over investments A college-wide email from...

Editorial: Nearby dispensary opening offers opportunities for responsible consumption

Editorial: Nearby dispensary opening offers opportunities for responsible consumption

By Editorial Board / March 21, 2019

At issue: students’ cannabis use Our take: cannabis can benefit students of age   The closest dispensary for medical and recreational cannabis...

Editorial: Admission scandals shine light on abuse of wealth in college admissions

Editorial: Admission scandals shine light on abuse of wealth in college admissions

By Editorial Board / March 14, 2019

At issue: The corruption behind college acceptances Our take: Admissions cop-outs undermine the integrity of higher education   The Justice...

EDITORIAL: Black History Month deserves more attention at Emerson

EDITORIAL: Black History Month deserves more attention at Emerson

By Editorial Board / February 28, 2019

At issue: Black History Month on campus Our take: The college needs to formally recognize the celebration   Emerson College lacks its own...

EDITORIAL: Pronouns are not up for interpretation

EDITORIAL: Pronouns are not up for interpretation

By Editorial Board / February 21, 2019

At Issue: Lack of pronoun procedures in classrooms Our take: Professors should be required to ask for preferred pronouns Emerson prides itself on...

EDITORIAL: Valentine’s Day is about more than romance

EDITORIAL: Valentine’s Day is about more than romance

By Editorial Board / February 14, 2019

At Issue: The impact of Valentine’s Day in college Our Take: Show love to everyone in your life As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, we should remind...

EDITORIAL: Creating a supportive environment for student groups

EDITORIAL: Creating a supportive environment for student groups

By Editorial Board / February 7, 2019

At Issue: Competing on-campus organizations Our Take: We’re all in this together The college’s focus on arts and communication calls for students...

EDITORIAL: Taking part in Boston’s Super Bowl festivities

EDITORIAL: Taking part in Boston’s Super Bowl festivities

By Editorial Board / January 31, 2019

At Issue: Another Patriots Super Bowl appearance Our Take: Sports fan or not, everyone can enjoy the big game This Sunday, the New England Patriots...

EDITORIAL: Title IX changes require action, transparency from administration

EDITORIAL: Title IX changes require action, transparency from administration

By Editorial Board / January 25, 2019

At issue: Proposed Changes to Title IX regulations Our take: Talk won’t combat new Title IX policies   Last week, we published a Beacon...

EDITORIAL: Upholding the importance of print

EDITORIAL: Upholding the importance of print

By Editorial Board / January 17, 2019

At Issue: The livelihood of our print edition Our Take: Our print edition is a learning tool Over winter break, the publishing company that prints...

EDITORIAL: What we’ve accomplished and what we can improve

EDITORIAL: What we’ve accomplished and what we can improve

By Editorial Board / December 6, 2018

At issue: Our fall 2018 semester Our take: We’re proud of our advancements, and we strive to do better. Last semester, we tried something new. For...

EDITORIAL: Raise your awareness and lower your voice

EDITORIAL: Raise your awareness and lower your voice

By Editorial Board / November 30, 2018

At issue: The lack of library etiquette Our take: Please use your inside voices As due dates for papers, projects, and tests for finals loom, it...

EDITORIAL: Taking advantage of your student voice

EDITORIAL: Taking advantage of your student voice

By Editorial Board / November 15, 2018

At issue: Student portion of the climate survey Our take: The survey is an outlet for student expression Voicing our opinions about Emerson with our...

EDITORIAL: Let's have our backs when others don't

EDITORIAL: Let’s have our backs when others don’t

By Editorial Board / November 8, 2018

  At issue: Supporting other student organizations Our take: All of our work deserves recognition One day after a contentious midterm election,...

EDITORIAL: Be woke, especially when you vote

EDITORIAL: Be woke, especially when you vote

By Editorial Board / November 1, 2018

At issue: The approaching midterm election Our take: Educate yourselves—then vote   Despite our activist culture, most Emerson students...

EDITORIAL: Supporting students' athletic endeavors

EDITORIAL: Supporting students’ athletic endeavors

By Editorial Board / October 25, 2018

At issue: Recognizing student athletes' dedication. Our take: We’re all in this together. Last Saturday, the women’s soccer team earned a spot...

EDITORIAL: Making changes before the climate does

EDITORIAL: Making changes before the climate does

By Editorial Board / October 18, 2018

At issue: Student engagement with sustainability Our take: We must do more Over a week ago, the New York Times detailed a seemingly apocalyptic...

EDITORIAL: When ‘the best course of action’ isn’t enough

EDITORIAL: When ‘the best course of action’ isn’t enough

By Editorial Board / October 11, 2018

At issue: Vacant Title IX lead investigator position Our take: Refusal to communicate renders ambiguity The Office of Title IX Equity and Access...

EDITORIAL: Not just speaking out, but showing up

EDITORIAL: Not just speaking out, but showing up

By Editorial Board / October 4, 2018

At issue: Organizing a rapid response to overwhelming events. Our take: Let’s maintain this momentum. Last Thursday, the nation watched as Dr....

EDITORIAL: Leave news to the newspaper, not administration

EDITORIAL: Leave news to the newspaper, not administration

By Editorial Board / September 27, 2018

At issue: Emerson College Today updates mission Our take: Announcements and news should be separate Emerson’s communication and marketing department...

EDITORIAL: Emerson’s plastic straw conundrum

EDITORIAL: Emerson’s plastic straw conundrum

By Editorial Board / September 20, 2018

At issue: Emerson revamps its image. Our take: Change doesn’t always mean progress. On July 9, 2018, Starbucks announced the company will slowly...

EDITORIAL: Change still needed with co-curricular organizations

EDITORIAL: Change still needed with co-curricular organizations

By Editorial Board / September 13, 2018

At issue: Student workload increases Our take: Don’t take advantage of us Student organizations are a huge aspect of Emerson culture. And the system...

EDITORIAL: Moving forward one issue at a time

EDITORIAL: Moving forward one issue at a time

By Editorial Board / September 6, 2018

At issue: Editorials are our perspective of campus news. Our take: Give us a chance, we’re students too. A new semester means a new editorial...

EDITORIAL: Spot the ethical dilemma in our funding

EDITORIAL: Spot the ethical dilemma in our funding

By Editorial Board / April 26, 2018

At issue: SGA has overseen the Beacon’s budget since 2011 Our take: For us to progress, we need our funding guaranteed Today, college newspapers...

EDITORIAL: We tried something new this semester. What did you think?

EDITORIAL: We tried something new this semester. What did you think?

By Editorial Board / April 19, 2018

At issue: Our digital-first transition Our take: Thanks for taking this wild ride with us This semester, we brought the Beacon into the 21st century...

EDITORIAL: Don't ask students to fund scholarships

EDITORIAL: Don’t ask students to fund scholarships

By Editorial Board / April 12, 2018

At issue: An SGA-funded scholarship for student leaders Our take: Let’s focus on the scholarships our student body demanded The college tells us...

EDITORIAL: Scrub the binary from our bathroom doors

EDITORIAL: Scrub the binary from our bathroom doors

By Editorial Board / April 5, 2018

At issue: Too many years, too few gender neutral bathroom signs Our take: Don’t work in increments, fix this now Two years ago, Emerson installed...

The Berkeley Beacon endorses Henderson-West for SGA president

The Berkeley Beacon endorses Henderson-West for SGA president

By Editorial Board / March 29, 2018

At issue: SGA election is an opportunity to shake things up Our take: A one-on-one approach works best Over the last two weeks, Christopher Henderson-West’s...

Stop posting and head to the polls for the SGA election

By Editorial Board / March 22, 2018

At issue: Lack of student engagement with SGA Our take: Elections are your chance to get seriously involved Students are touchy about the Emerson...

Wednesday walkout demonstrates protesting progress

By Editorial Board / March 15, 2018

At issue: The difficulty of creating a purposeful protest Our take: Walkout participants are headed in the right direction Over 200 Emerson students...

Editorial: Show us the numbers

Editorial: Show us the numbers

By Editorial Board / March 1, 2018

At issue: Students not surveyed in new climate survey Our take: Data is invaluable if we want to see improvement Earlier this week, the Social Justice...

DC stands for Dining Center, not Dumpling Cafe

By Editorial Board / February 22, 2018

At issue: Students treat cultural communities with disrespect Our take: Chinatown is more than a food court   When Emerson moved from Back Bay to...

Our housing options are not up to par

Our housing options are not up to par

By Editorial Board / February 15, 2018

At issue: Construction noise continues to interrupt student life Our take: Emerson owes students an explanation   Remember when the Paramount Center,...

Don’t feel pressured by the love in the air

By Editorial Board / February 8, 2018

At issue: It’s almost Valentine’s Day Our take: Don’t set yourself up for disappointment Couples wander through the dirty snowbanks of Boston...

Please don’t make us fight sports fans to get to class

By Editorial Board / February 1, 2018

At issue: Potential parade could interrupt campus and classes Our take: Don’t risk it. Postpone class times Any Emerson student that had to trudge...

Editorial: What’s in a name?

Editorial: What’s in a name?

By Editorial Board / January 25, 2018

At issue: College jargon surrounding issues of inequality Our take: Name changes don’t guarantee action This week, faculty assembly voted to create...

Breaking the silence, breaking the mold

Breaking the silence, breaking the mold

By Editorial Board / December 7, 2017

At issue: Marginalized voices are speaking out Our take: The Beacon should amplify these voices No American woman has been selected as Time magazine’s...

Women deserve to feel safe on their own campus

By Editorial Board / November 29, 2017

At issue: the lack of women in ECPD Our take: sexual assault survivors need police they can trust It’s no secret that women are underrepresented...

Plagiarism does not deserve discourse

By Editorial Board / November 15, 2017

At issue: The invitation of Marsha P. Johnson director Steve France Our take: Artistic integrity isn't up for debate  Last month, Reina Gossett,...

Editorial: Staff salaries are more important than real estate

By Editorial Board / November 9, 2017

At issue: Building acquisition amid union negotiations Our take: Now is not the time to snag another property The college announced their decision to...

Anthony Lowrie memo misses the mark

By Editorial Board / November 2, 2017

At issue: Rogue email sent to faculty & org leaders Our take: Division won't lead to revision Anthony Lowrie, chair of Emerson’s faculty assembly,...