staff writer Kristen Golden, who spoke of a friend who was the only student in his Virginia Tech classroom to walk away physically unscathed.
Payne suggested schools use e-mails to warn students of danger on campus and call local radio stations to get the message out to students who commute. He said resident assistants should also be required to take inventory of students and compile a list of those not in their dorm rooms in order to call or text message them in an emergency situation.
Resident assistant on floor 12 of Piano Row Bobby Carmichael said he didn’t think RAs should be made vulnerable during a crisis.
“It’s such a crazy situation and I know it’d be heroic to do that,” Carmichael, a junior marketing communication major, said. “But RAs are there to give advice and to be there academically and emotionally for their students, not to physically, you know, take a bullet for them.”
Carmichael also said during RA training he was taught that in a dangerous situation like a physical fight between students RA’s should not try and break up the altercation singlehandedly.
He added that if Emerson adopts a new policy next year, prospective RA’s should be informed of their updated duties before signing the contract.
Payne said he supports text message updates because he feels it would help parents to quickly find out the status of their children.
He predicts the Virginia Tech shootings will change more than just college safety procedures. He said the lives of many students outside those directly affected could also switch course.
“Kent State is the epitome and essence of what a good, well-rounded education at Emerson should be, because it gives students a good, deliberative dialogue and critical thinking skills,” Payne said. “Students should know anytime you see injustice or you see your country not responding the way the Constitution says it should, you need to speak up. That shouldn’t make you a radical, it makes you a patriot.”