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Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

The Lincoln Statue is set to be taken down in the wake of the recent Black Lives Matter protests.

Artists, activists come together for “Memorials: As Monuments Fall” webinar

By Joshua Sokol, Staff Writer / October 17, 2020

Historical monuments and who they seek to memorialize have come under harsh scrutiny in 2020. Emerson Contemporary, along with a team of professors and...

If the college chooses to have people attending classes in Boston and acknowledges its responsibility to provide testing, it must also bear the burden of the danger this puts our homeless and low-income community members in.

Don’t ignore our “invisible” community as classes resume this fall

By Billy Brodeur / September 2, 2020

Billy Brodeur is a senior studying comedic arts. On a walk to Paramount my sophomore year, I turned a corner and saw my friend Paul slumped on the ground....

Sam Fish ‘15 felt frustrated with the lack of space for young artists in Boston. He opened EXIT, a pop-up gallery near Emerson to solve that problem. Photo courtesy of Andre Beriau.

Alum opens contemporary art gallery in Downtown Crossing

By Grace Rispoli / October 9, 2019

Black, white, and red paint popped through a storefront window while two men stood in the doorway, welcoming in anyone enamored by the art inside. Behind...