Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

The outside of the Title IX office in the Massachusetts Transportation Building.

Title IX working group presents minimal changes in second draft of recommendations

By Katie Redefer, Staff Writer / December 2, 2020

The Presidential Working Group that is responsible for reviewing Emerson’s sexual misconduct policy made minimal changes to its initial suggestions in...

Resident Assistant Max Straubinger said he has felt disrespected by the administrations treatment of RAs. Jakob Menendez / Beacon Staff

RAs spar with administration over contract changes

By Parker Purifoy, Emerson '21 / September 25, 2019

Senior Raven Devanney remembers sitting with her fellow resident assistants in a meeting in May 2019 when several college officials were going over new...

Emerson College President M. Lee Pelton

UPDATED: Pelton denounces Straight Pride Parade in community email

By Abigail Hadfield, Deputy Copy Editor / August 28, 2019

President M. Lee Pelton released a statement today condemning the Straight Pride Parade scheduled to pass by Emerson’s campus on Saturday, August 31.  The...

The college delayed the opening of the fitness center to the fall 2021 semester. Photo by Sabrina Ortiz / Beacon Correspondents

Fitness center to relocate after Little Building completion

By Parker Purifoy, Emerson '21 / December 6, 2018

Ethan Young, one of three captains on the baseball team, said he and his teammates use the Fitness Center every day, including 6 a.m. sessions once a week....

With the opening of the Little Building, pictured here, students will have less chances of winning a spot in the off campus lottery. Photo Courtesy  Beacon Archive.

Chances of students winning the off-campus lottery to decrease

By Ziqi Wang / November 29, 2018

Students hoping to move off-campus prior to their senior year face diminishing chances in the off-campus housing lottery. Students who entered in the...

About 35 students come from areas affected by the California wildfires. Photo courtesy of Jesse Fulton

California students grieve shooting, wildfire destruction

By Maya Gacina / November 15, 2018

Freshman Jake Mouchawar walked from his Paramount dorm to Boston Common without his phone on Thursday. He wanted to clear his head after hearing news of...

Beacon Archives

Emerson College rises in best regional universities rankings

By Sydney Richelieu / September 30, 2018

Emerson rose to No. 6 in U.S. News Rankings’ 2019 Best Northern Universities—an improvement from last year’s No. 8 position. The new ranking...