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Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

SGA delayed voting on the Financial Equity Board for the third meeting in a row. Photo credit: Montse Landeros

SGA delays Financial Equity Board vote for third time

By Dana Gerber, Former News Editor / February 6, 2020

The Student Government Association held an “auxiliary” Joint Session meeting late Wednesday night in a last-minute effort to push Executive...

The Student Government Association appointed the first four of out five members of the Executive Cabinet. Photo credit: Yongze Wang

SGA appoints four executive cabinet members in wide-ranging meeting

By Charlie Mckenna / January 30, 2020

The Student Government Association unanimously voted to appoint the first four members of the newly established Executive Cabinet along with two new commissioners...

Director of Student Leadership Jason Meier

Student voter turnout increases after college voting campaign

By Elena Naze / October 9, 2019

The college saw a rise in student voter turnout in the midterm elections after the college's increased efforts and education to improve voter registration...

Boston's City Hall Plaza

Don’t forget to vote local in the upcoming city council elections

By Editorial Board / September 11, 2019

The Boston City Council election this fall is quickly ramping up to be one of the most competitive in recent years with a total of 24 candidates running...

Four Emerson students made their way through the cold and rain to vote in the 2018 midterm elections. Stefania Lugli / Beacon Staff

Momentous midterm election draws students to polls

By Stefania Lugli, Former Staff / November 6, 2018

Four students trudged through pouring rain on Election Day to cast their ballots for the 2018 midterm elections. Junior Hannah Lemke, along with freshman...

Freshman TJ Coste holding volunteer contact sheets to canvass for question three. -
Photo by Erin Nolan / Beacon Staff

LGBTQ+ students advocate ‘yes’ for Question 3

By Annika Hom, Former Staff / October 31, 2018

While canvassing Massachusetts' ballot Question 3, freshman TJ Coste encountered a woman who feared using a bathroom stall next to someone with male...

The Berkeley Beacon endorses Henderson-West for SGA president

The Berkeley Beacon endorses Henderson-West for SGA president

By Editorial Board / March 29, 2018

At issue: SGA election is an opportunity to shake things up Our take: A one-on-one approach works best Over the last two weeks, Christopher Henderson-West’s...

"When anyone casts their ballot in a normal year, they are fulfilling their civic responsibility as an American citizen. But this November, for the first time in a long time, there is a pandemic plaguing the U.S. during a presidential election." Illustration by Laura King

Making millennial voices matter

By David Fadul / January 28, 2018

In November, transgender rights will be on the ballot. A 2016 law prohibiting discrimination based on gender could be overturned by a veto referendum,...