Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon


Holy T&A, Batman!: Sexism in DC New Universe

December 12, 2012

Sex sells, even in comic books. So when DC Comics announced a reboot — that is, a tabula rasa of sorts for all its main titles — many...

Musical Theatre Society gives Hair bounce

December 12, 2012

They say that history repeats itself and, after seeing Hair last Thursday night, I would have to agree. The "American Tribal Love Rock Musical,"...

Himmer’s Hermit Finds a Home in The Bee-Loud Glade

December 12, 2012

 For many Emerson students, the prospect of spending a day in a garden without Internet, cell phone, or basic human contact is unimaginable — without...

Not worth the Wait

December 12, 2012

From first-time writer/director Rob McKittrick comes Waiting, a farce about a group of restaurant employees (played by Justin Long, Dane Cook and...

Show Times: The Theatre Bizarre with co-director and alum David Gregory

December 12, 2012

A woman licks the blood from a human heart. Blood trickles down the face of a shaking, restrained man. A demented woman stabs herself in the eye.  Graphic...

Stroopwafel alleviates midterm stress

Stroopwafel alleviates midterm stress

December 12, 2012

In the Piano Row Multipurpose Room on Tuesday, Feb. 28, the Emerson comedy troupe Stroopwafel, provided a much-needed escape from the stress of midterms...

New shows prepare for takeoff during pilot season

December 12, 2012

 It’s finally getting closer to that glorious time of year — pilot season. A bit like Christmas for avid television watchers, pilot season...

Pelton packs Pacific paintings

Pelton packs Pacific paintings

December 12, 2012

President M. Lee Pelton narrowed his eyes as he studied a challenge unrelated to the business of running a college: making sense of abstract art.  “The...

Shakespeare Society blends Bard and Big Easy

December 12, 2012

The trumpet blared. The saxophone wailed. Improvised banter and dance persisted among the cast. And the audience roared with delight this past Thursday...

Alumni-run theater company gets In-Yer-Face

Alumni-run theater company gets In-Yer-Face

December 12, 2012

The Brown Box Theatre Project produces shows that might be hard to sit through, but that’s the point. The company wants to challenge audiences even...

Review: The Lorax does justice to Seuss vision

Review: The Lorax does justice to Seuss’ vision

December 12, 2012

With incredible, in-your-face images, the 3D-animated release of The Lorax maintains Dr. Seuss’ illustrative style but brings it to a whole other...

Benefit concerts for less fortunate hit DVD

December 12, 2012

Rock stars are often considered a selfish and sometimes ignorant group, many of whom are paid lavishly to jump around on stage. While some are in the...

A haunting ride along Spoon River

A haunting ride along Spoon River

December 12, 2012

A girl stands alone on stage in a plain black dress. Trembling, she tells of her rape at the age of eight and how her husband, after two years of marriage,...

A Marionette Mission

A Marionette Mission

December 12, 2012

The scene is spectral, the music haunting, the characters a cast of papier-mâché ghosts floating through images and noise. The audience is...

Make a date with Morrie at the Colonial

December 12, 2012

The adaptation of Mitch Albom's bestseller, currently being performed at the Colonial Theatre, is entertaining and amusing, and also sweet...

Swift simplicity in Under Milk Wood

Swift simplicity in Under Milk Wood

December 12, 2012

“We are not wholly bad or good, those who live our lives under Milk Wood,” said the Rev. Eli Jenkins in the lyrically beautiful radio-drama-turned-staged-reading...

The Wang makes it Rain with a show of Beatles covers

December 12, 2012

John, Paul, George, and Ringo will be rocking the Wang Theatre this weekend. Well, sort of.Wearing wigs and appropriate Beatle garb, Steve Landes as John,...

Theater should tackle, not just concede to, technology

December 12, 2012

Modern technology is changing the wiring of the human brain, and American theater is unprepared. The theater is one of a few places left where a person...