Emerson’s Independent Video is starting the semester with a brand new collection of productions including short films, TV shows, and more. The productions...
In the heart of the city, nestled within the confines of the MGM Fenway Music Hall, a transformational experience awaited the eager souls gathered there...
Emerson alum Joan F. Smith ‘10 released her second young adult novel “The Other Side of Infinity” on April 25. She graduated from the Creative Writing...
Get ready for belly-aching laughter and heartwarming moments as "Strays," the latest comedy film written by alum Dan Perrault, hits theaters on June 9.
Bouts of laughter filled the Semel Theater last weekend thanks to the hard work of Emerson’s Comedic Arts Department, who hosted the college’s third...
Though the cast of “Jelly’s Last Jam” wasn’t mic'd, their powerful voices resonated throughout the Semel, echoing Emerson’s first all-Black musical’s...
By Clara Faulkner, Assistant Living Arts Editor
/ April 5, 2023
Outside the Paradise Rock Club, fans of indie rock band Colony House felt the rumbling bass and heard the explosive energy of the band's soundcheck as...
You just woke up for your 8 a.m. class. You’re exhausted, and you think some music will help. You scroll through the songs saved on your phone and realize,...
The Boston LGBTQ+ Film Festival—now known as Wicked Queer—has survived the ups and downs of queer history. It was founded in 1984, before gay marriage...
What was once an all-night film marathon hosted by a single person—founder David Kleiler—is now one of the most celebrated film festivals in Massachusetts....
By Clara Faulkner, Assistant Living Arts Editor
/ March 22, 2023
Ready for a night filled with laughter, a crowd eagerly waited outside the Wilbur Theater for renowned comedian Fortune Feimster’s comedy tour “Live...
A sea of young adults wearing bedazzled pink cowboy hats and black lace outfits braved the cold outside Boston’s Roadrunner on March 6, eagerly awaiting...
Stephen Sondheim’s twisted fairy tale and modern classic “Into The Woods” has been revived on Broadway in the U.S. three times, each time with different...