Emerson’s Testing Center at Tufts Medical Center will remain open on select Saturdays through the month of January in light of the college extending its twice-a-week testing protocol, announced college officials on Tuesday evening.
The testing center will be open on Jan. 15, 22 and 29 in order to accommodate as many community members as possible as Emerson continues to experience the largest surge in COVID-19 cases since the college began testing for COVID-19 in the Fall of 2020.
No appointments will be required to receive a test on these days, however, “COVID Lead” and Assistant Vice President for Campus Life Erik Muurisepp announced that these Saturday testing days are only temporary additions to the college’s testing protocol.
“This is a temporary arrangement and you should not factor Saturday testing into your regular testing schedule after January 29,” he wrote in the email announcing the change.
In addition, Muurisepp informed community members that the testing center will remain closed on Sundays and will be closed on Jan. 17 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Muurisepp also reminded community members that due to a system-wide delay in test results being reported by Emerson, results could take from 24 to 48 hours to be returned.
Community members are also being asked to select testing times for the spring semester by Jan. 14 using the Testing Appointment Scheduler.