SGA executive president resigns


Claire Rodenbush/Courtesy

Claire Rodenbush had promised to bring sweeping change to SGA.

Student Government Association Executive President Claire Rodenbush has resigned from her position, she confirmed to The Beacon Sunday.

I’m in the process of submitting a formal letter of resignation, and will be stepping down from the role,” Rodenbush told The Beacon via text.

It is currently unclear why Rodenbush resigned.

It appears that current Executive Vice President Lindsay Debrosse is now slated to fill the position, as SGA’s recently ratified constitution dictates that the standing vice president fills any vacancy in the executive presidency. However, since SGA has not had its first meeting under new leadership, it is possible that the runner up to Rodenbush in last May’s election, Jehan Ayesha, could fill the position as well. Ayesha initially ran for the presidency on a ticket with Debrosse, meaning her rise to the position would fulfill their vision for the executive leadership. Debrosse could also hypothetically decline the presidency, should SGA defer to the vacancy process, in which case a special election would need to be held. 

Chief Justice Lilly Meehan-Egan may be the key voice in deciding how to proceed.

Rodenbush had promised to bring sweeping change to SGA when she was elected in early May, winning a highly contested three-way race with a campaign based around advocacy.

Her exit now leaves SGA devoid of two vital positions on its executive board with only six weeks until the fall semester begins, as she was in the process of selecting an Executive Treasurer. The treasurer is responsible for chairing the Financial Advisory Board and the Financial Equity Committee, as well as managing over $1.2 million in funding allocated to student organizations.

Debrosse told The Beacon she believes she can bring a unique perspective to one of SGA’s most important roles by better representing first-generation college students who come from low-income backgrounds.

“I think I bring a voice to that very marginalized community at Emerson so for me to be in the position of VP, a lot more of their concerns and issues will be brought to the table,” she said in an interview after winning the vice presidency. 

SGA advisor Jason Meier said he will work with the current executive board to decide how to move forward.

“Earlier today Claire Rodenbush submitted her resignation as SGA President,” Meier said in a statement to The Beacon. “While our time working together was short, I can honestly say that Claire was committed to bettering the student experience for all and I truly enjoyed our many conversations. I wish her nothing but the best moving forward.”

Updated 7/19/20: This article was updated to include a statement from SGA advisor Jason Meier.