The Max, formally the Maximilian Mutchnick Cafe, underwent its now-infamous remodel over the summer. Gone are the homely red tile, oil-slick couches, and...
First-year student Miranda Nicusanti, a visual and media arts major from Orange County, CA, photographs the dining center meals for her Instagram food...
By Camilo Fonseca, Assistant News Editor
/ January 26, 2021
Emerson will offer expanded student meal plans for the spring 2021 semester, along with new Board Bucks partner locations and extended hours of operations...
The college intends to distribute meal packs to students from when they arrive on campus for move-in until they receive their COVID-19 test results and...
This year will be the first time I return to campus without Sodexo. Their replacement, Bon Appétit Management Company, is a food service that works with...