Several Student Government Association members advocated for the college to consolidate its methods of communication to students at the March 12 Joint...
The Commons at 172 Tremont St. will not open for use this semester contrary to the initial projection from college officials that the building would open...
By Diana Bravo, Former Copyeditor/Photographer
/ December 1, 2018
Faculty and students gathered to discuss their academic experiences and help the Student Government Association collect information on potential changes...
By Diana Bravo, Former Copyeditor/Photographer
/ November 27, 2018
Voter turnout for the Student Government Association fall elections increased fivefold from last year—a stark rise after several years of low student...
By Diana Bravo, Former Copyeditor/Photographer
/ November 14, 2018
The Student Government Association voted to add a new amendment to the fall 2018 ballot setting strict requirements for the Board of Trustees representative...
By Diana Bravo, Former Copyeditor/Photographer
/ November 11, 2018
Nine positions could remain without balloted candidates for the Student Government Association fall election following their semesterly press night in...
By Diana Bravo, Former Copyeditor/Photographer
/ November 7, 2018
The Student Government Association approved potential amendments to the SGA constitution including the ability to appoint a new non-voting member from...
Students received an extra $5 in print credits per semester after a Student Government Association initiative.
SGA Executive President Jessica Guida...