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Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson's Title IX office.

College needs outside experts to make desired change to Title IX policy

By Editorial Board / May 12, 2020

Last week, the school released its presidential working group draft findings, which sought to detail the sexual misconduct climate at the college through...

Beacon Archives

Maintaining student activism surrounding Title IX

By Editorial Board / September 4, 2019

Emerson College has a long, complicated—and, at times, bleak—history with incidents of sexual misconduct and Title IX, the federal civil rights law...

EDITORIAL: Title IX changes require action, transparency from administration

EDITORIAL: Title IX changes require action, transparency from administration

By Editorial Board / January 25, 2019

At issue: Proposed Changes to Title IX regulations Our take: Talk won’t combat new Title IX policies   Last week, we published a Beacon...

One of DeVos’ proposed changes would enable schools to raise their standard of evidence in sexual assault cases. Photo by Anissa Gardizy / Beacon Staff

Proposed Title IX changes may affect college policies if passed

By Belen Dumont, Former News Editor / January 16, 2019

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos introduced changes to the federal Title IX policy in November 2018 that would alter or reverse guidelines established...

Emerson's Title IX office.

College continues search for Title IX lead investigator

By Parker Purifoy, Former Managing Editor / November 15, 2018

The Title IX Office revived the 10-month long search for a lead investigator by changing the title and adding responsibilities to attract more possible...

EDITORIAL: When ‘the best course of action’ isn’t enough

EDITORIAL: When ‘the best course of action’ isn’t enough

By Editorial Board / October 11, 2018

At issue: Vacant Title IX lead investigator position Our take: Refusal to communicate renders ambiguity The Office of Title IX Equity and Access...