An educational advocacy group named Emerson as one of the “worst colleges for free expression,” rooted in its accusation that the college “censored”...
Months after being accused of propagating anti-Chinese rhetoric, Emerson’s chapter of Turning Point USA has mounted an advertising campaign targeting...
Emerson lifted a suspension of the college’s Turning Point USA chapter this month, allowing the conservative organization to resume on-campus activities...
The Emerson chapter of Turning Point USA was suspended by the college after the conservative organization passed out controversial stickers that many students...
Emerson’s Turning Point USA chapter plans to host conservative organizer Gabriel Nadales to give a speech on Nov. 20, according to the organization’s...
President Pelton released a statement on Wednesday, August 28. Read the most recent coverage here.
President M. Lee Pelton plans to release a statement...
Republican student organization leaders believe an executive order signed by President Donald Trump on March 21 will improve the political climate at the...
Sophomore Allison Payne started an Emerson chapter of College Republicans, a national group, at the beginning of the spring 2019 semester to give representation...