Title IX working group recommendations draft

By Parker Purifoy, Emerson '21

The working group assembled by President M. Lee Pelton to review the college’s Title IX policies released a draft of their findings and recommendations Wednesday.

The working group, composed of staff, faculty, and students, was charged with reviewing the entire Title IX and sexual misconduct investigation policy, support systems on campus, the way in which information about these processes is communicated to students, and how different departments at the college communicate with each other.

The group was scheduled to submit their findings, along with a list of recommendations, to Pelton by April 2020, giving them one academic year to conduct the review. But because administrators shut down in-person operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a draft of the report was made public online.

The community will have until June 5 to provide feedback. The college will then hold an in-person town hall in the fall before finalizing their recommendations and sending them to Pelton.

The group does not have any power to change college policy and are only compiling a list of recommendations to present to Pelton, who has the power to implement them.

The college posted the drafted recommendations on a third-party website, making it inaccessible to anyone without an Emerson ID and password. The third-party system did not allow for downloading and blocked online accessibility tools.

The college later posted a version of the draft recommendations on their website which permits online accessibility tools, however, users still need to login with Emerson credentials. The entire draft is available below.