The college’s two-year lease on the 12 Hemenway residence hall will end fall 2019 as the college reopens the Little Building following a two-year renovation.
12 Hemenway will return to its original owner, Boston Fenway Inn, according to Arthur Mombourquette, senior associate vice president for real estate. The college rented the 12 Hemenway residence hall from Boston Fenway Inn two years ago in response to the closure of the Little Building for construction.
“It’s one of the only opportunities that came along to us, and it fits our needs,” Mombourquette said.
Hemenway helped make up for 115 beds out of the 748 held by the Little Building and housed only sophomore students.
Members of the Fenway community, which Hemenway is a part of, originally protested the school’s lease. Officials from the college attended several community meetings and promised students would be respectful and good neighbors.
“I think our students, for the most part, have been very respectful, and understand that this is a residential community,” Mombourquette said.