Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon


The promised land is still in our dreams

January 29, 2015

During my senior year at the predominantly white, upper-middle class private school I went to in my home state of Georgia, I purposely only applied to...

White allies must find courage to listen more

White allies must find courage to listen more

January 29, 2015

The last few months have put white allyship—when white Americans in positions of privilege defend and empower equality efforts of people of color—to...

Culturally inclusive feminism exists outside of the mainstream

November 13, 2014

I’m waiting for white feminism to text me back. If it were a cute boy at a party, this is approximately the stage we would be in: We’ve flirted...

Más que sólo palabras: appreciating linguistic diversity

Más que sólo palabras: appreciating linguistic diversity

November 13, 2014

Detrás de cada lenguaje existe una historia. Cada lenguaje es sinónimo a una cultura, un pasado. And even if you didn’t learn enough...

Student theater troupe produces meaningful cultural dialogue

November 13, 2014

At issue: Students launch Flawless Brown, the school's first theater troupe exclusively for women of color. Our take: The troupe is a worthy student-initiated...

Federal student privacy laws need a second look

November 6, 2014

After serving as an orientation leader during this semester’s move-in, I thought I knew Emerson’s alcohol and drug policy inside and out. During...

Pelton’s term reflects prioritization of community needs

November 6, 2014

At issue: Past administration marked by fiscal focus Our take: Under Pelton, now more responsive to student and faculty desires   Few, if any,...

Aged tragedies not lost on younger generations

November 5, 2014

In mid-September, retailer Urban Outfitters released a Kent State University-branded sweatshirt as a part of its “vintage find” line. Tattered...

Emerson ought to smoke out the competition

Emerson ought to smoke out the competition

November 5, 2014

With the recent legalization of marijuana in of Washington and Colorado, and the decriminalization of the drug in several other states, it’s clear...

Execution procedures need injection of transparency

Execution procedures need injection of transparency

November 5, 2014

Clayton Lockett was scheduled for execution on the night of April 29, 2014. Fourteen years earlier, Lockett was sentenced to death for a first-degree murder...

Animal House-style parties created by gender stereotypes

November 4, 2014

The smell of sweat filling a musky basement, warm beer sloshing out of solo cups, cheers erupting from the nearest beer pong table. Welcome to the classic...

Lack of communication lands dining reform in a pickle

November 4, 2014

At issue: SGA submits dining proposals; Emerson says many are already addressed.Our take: Consider the debate with a grain of salt. The Student...

Game recognizes game: virtual spectator sports on the rise

Game recognizes game: virtual spectator sports on the rise

November 4, 2014

Despite what your mother said when you were young, there is now a way to make money by playing video games all day—but you have to be really good. If...

American media infected by sensationalist ebola coverage

American media infected by sensationalist ebola coverage

November 4, 2014

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recently declared the 2014 Ebola epidemic the largest outbreak of the disease in history. 24/7 news...

Editor’s note

November 4, 2014

The loss of Jocelyn Amelia Straus, a freshman political communication major, was a devastating shock to our community. The thoughts of the Beacon staff...

After tragedy, a time to remember and reflect

November 4, 2014

On Wednesday, our hearts collectively sank when we learned our community lost one of its youngest members. Jocelyn Amelia Straus, a freshman political...

Reductive stereotypes stifle middle aged women

November 4, 2014

When former first daughter Chelsea Clinton gave birth to her first child in September, headlines circulated about everything from the significance of the...

Needy students deserve more from financial aid

November 4, 2014

At issue: Students raise money for their tuition. Our take: They shouldn’t need to. It’s no secret that Emerson is an expensive place to...

Legal intoxicants demonstrate necessity of drug reform

Legal intoxicants demonstrate necessity of drug reform

November 4, 2014

I was sitting on my friend’s couch with a huge bong between my legs. A Beatles instrumental hummed from his Jambox speaker as I burned the herbs...

Meme Supreme: Justice Ginsburg’s internet fame

November 4, 2014

Ruth Bader Ginsburg hasn’t been on the cover of Vanity Fair. There haven’t been Saturday Night Live skits poking fun at her pantsuits or the...