The Emerson College Police Department provides the Incident Journal to The Beacon every week. Beacon staff edit the Incident Journal for style and clarity but not for content.
Monday, August 30
ECPD discovered graffiti on the Majestic Theatre, but no suspects were able to be located.
Monday, August 30
ECPD responded to a call from the Piano Row Residence Hall over a report of a non-Emerson individual who followed students into the building’s lobby to ask for directions.
Monday, August 30
Little Building staff called ECPD to provide medical assistance to a student in need.
Monday, August 30
ECPD responded to a call at the Piano Row Residence Hall following a report of an unidentified person who tried to bypass security and was subsequently denied access to the building. The unidentified person left the building three minutes after ECPD’s arrival.
Tuesday, August 31
ECPD received lost property found in the Walker Building by a Northeast security officer and the property was documented in lost and found.
Wednesday, September 1
A non-Emerson community member was found by ECPD attempting to acquire items set aside for recycling from the Allen’s Alley loading dock. The suspect was informed that the property was not trash and left with no theft occurring.
Friday, September 03
ECPD were called to investigate an unsecure exterior door in the Paramount Theatre. The college’s locksmith responded to the call and repaired the door latch. A later check of the theatre found no unauthorized access and all appeared in order.
Monday, September 06
Housing and Residential Education staff requested ECPD to the Colonial Residence Hall to secure drug paraphernalia that had been confiscated. The student who the paraphernalia belonged to was referred to the Community Standards & Student Conduct for whatever action their office deems appropriate.
Tuesday, September 07
ECPD helped a non-Emerson community member with a Campus Security Authority report an off-campus theft and referred them to the primary jurisdiction of the Boston Police Department.
Wednesday, September 8
ECPD aided a student who was stuck in the Piano Row Residence Hall Floor three elevator. They stayed in constant verbal contact with the student until they were able to leave the elevator without incident.
Wednesday, September 8
ECPD responded to a call from the dining center and provided medical assistance to a vendor in need.
Wednesday, September 8
ECPD provided medical assistance to a community member in need at 2 Boylston Place following a call from the building.
Wednesday, September 8
ECPD reported to the Little Building to provide medical attention to a community member in need.
Thursday, September 9
Delta Beckwith, the elevator company who built the college’s elevators, was called following ECPD’s response to a reported Emerson College staff member who was stuck in an elevator in the Colonial Residence Hall. The company responded and the staff member was removed from the elevator without incident.
Thursday, September 9
A student welcome desk assistant left their post on the second floor of the Little Building, prompting ECPD to close the access to the stairwell early due to the lack of staffing. Only one student entered the stairwell while the desk was unattended and the staff member was reported to Housing & Residential Education (HRE) for whatever action their office deems appropriate.
Friday, September 10
ECPD were called to the Piano Row Residence hall over a report of a resident in need of medical assistance. The student was walked by ECPD to Urgent Care at the end of the encounter.
Friday, September 10
ECPD responded to a security bypass in the Little Building. Two non-Emerson students were aided by an identified Emerson student into the building and were in the residence hall for a short period of time before being removed from the building. The student was referred to Community Standards & Student Conduct for whatever action their office deems appropriate.