In the midst of the March for Our Lives movement, journalism students gathered for a panel organized by the Beacon to hash out the ethics of protesting...
Different hues of orange bandanas flashed on the stage, situated on the organizers’ heads, around their necks, and tied on their wrists. The color, recently...
The Office of Education Abroad and Domestic Programs selected the inaugural group of students to attend two universities in Hong Kong as part of the college's...
Jackhammers and construction noise wake up students living in Colonial Residence Hall instead of their alarm clocks. Residents said they are struggling...
Boston Fox25 interviewed President M. Lee Pelton about his path to becoming the first black president of the college for a Black History Month profile...
The college will host the third annual Mass Green Summit—a series of panels advocating for grassroots environmental action—as part of its seven-year...
Next year’s Resident Directors will select resident assistants through a more individual-based application process, deviating from the previous group-based...
The college accepted fewer visual and media arts students this year due to limited faculty and campus resources. Chair of the VMA Department Brooke Knight...