A long list of celebrity clients have walked through the doors of Marla Kirban Voiceover, a full service voiceover school run by the late Marla Kirban...
In late 2017, Jaclyn Friedman ‘04 was looking forward to celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the feminist anthology, Yes Means Yes, which she co-edited,...
Carol Beaugard ‘78 grew up watching and listening to the soundtrack from Fiddler on the Roof. As a little girl, she played a villager in her hometown’s...
Linden Wolbert ‘03 quit her job in 2005, moved back in with her parents, and poured her time and money into a new career. Now, Wolbert makes a living...
People processed the 2016 election differently—some took selfies with cardboard cut-outs of Donald Trump, while others took to the streets chanting,...
Since Emerson alumna Anna Correa graduated in 2012 with her masters degree in theater education, she has worked at Emerson Los Angeles as department...
Massachusetts Supreme Court Justice Margot Botsford stepped down Wednesday, making space for her replacement, Emerson College alumna Elspeth “Ellie”...