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Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

SGA at a Fall 2019 Joint Session meeting.

SGA pushes for alternative spring break amid burnout concerns

By Frankie Rowley, Content Managing Editor / March 6, 2021

Students are championing the Student Government Association’s “Week of Rest” initiative, which calls for an alternative spring break in response...

FAB approves changes to funding criteria for affiliated, funded organizations

FAB approves changes to funding criteria for affiliated, funded organizations

By Diana Bravo, Former Copyeditor/Photographer / February 15, 2019

The Student Government Association Financial Advisory Board approved changes to how organizations appeal for funding as well as two appeals from Sigma...

Beacon Podcast: SGA Elections

Beacon Podcast: SGA Elections

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / November 15, 2018

  The Student Government Association elections are this week. For the inaugural episode of our podcast, we sat down with Deputy Express Editor...

Elections Chair Christopher Henderson-West raises his hand to ask a question at the Nov. 13 meeting. Anissa Gardizy / Beacon Staff

SGA constitutional amendment sets off disagreement

By Diana Bravo, Former Copyeditor/Photographer / November 14, 2018

The Student Government Association voted to add a new amendment to the fall 2018 ballot setting strict requirements for the Board of Trustees representative...

Executive Treasurer Ian Mandt (right) said the treasury team will release a partial budget to prevent conflict between student organizations. Abigail Noyes / Beacon Staff

SGA approves new appeal request procedures

By Frances Hui / September 19, 2018

The Student Government Association unanimously voted to grant the Financial Advisory Board the authority to exclusively review appeal requests under $5,000...

Executive Treasure Ian Mandt heads the Financial Advisory Board. Cassandra Martinez / Beacon Archives

New SGA initiatives aim to improve college

By Chris Van Buskirk, Former Editor-in-Chief / April 19, 2018

The Student Government Association introduced three expansive documents suggesting solutions to what it claims constituents view as the college’s most...