staff should have caught such a biased statement.,Dear Editor,
As an Emerson student, a print and multimedia journalism major, and a Resident Assistant,...
Simply raising academic standards doesn't necessarily provide a more "rigorous" or "challenging" environment.,I don't know how "welcome" higher academic...
By Andy Michaels, SGA Vice President
/ November 8, 2006
The front page of your Nov. 2 issue featured an article titled "SGA denies Snelgrove Scholarship funding." Both this title and article are incredibly misleading.
By Kathryn Reiter, Junior Audio/Radio major
/ November 8, 2006
Dear Editor,
In "Students: Bring in the noise" Associate Dean of Students Sharon Duffy suggests that an active off-campus community "takes effort on...
As someone who was president of EAGLE for two years and has been highly active within the Emerson GLBT community, I stand strongly behind EAGLE's efforts...