Presidential search resumes after three month hiatus


Alec Klusza

People walking through the intersection of Boylston and Tremont street.

By Adri Pray, Editor-at-large

The Board of Trustees relaunched its presidential search in partnership with SpencerStuart, a global consultant firm, per an email correspondence sent to the Emerson community Tuesday afternoon.

The committee suspended the search Feb. 14 “in the interest of the college,” but promised to resume at a later date.

Presidential Search Committee Chair of the Board of Trustees Eric Alexander described the Board’s ideal next Emerson president as “a leader with the vision and capacity to maximize all opportunities related to the success of our students.”

Alexander also pledged to further include the Emerson community in the search and report timely updates on the Board’s progress.

A new search committee will be announced at a later date but is expected to consult with the previous committee to “further refine the criteria, characteristics, and experiences” required of the next president.

“The demand for an Emerson education has never been stronger and our community — faculty, staff, students, and administration — [have] never been more vibrant, diverse and effective,” Alexander wrote. “Together with our next president, we will guide Emerson to future decades of growth and success in the execution of our mission.”

Interim President William Gilligan is expected to retain the position until June 2023, during which he will work closely with the Board of Trustees to lay the groundwork for a new president and ensure forward momentum for the institution, Alexander said.