Emerson Stage will conclude its fall season with a production of “Marie Antoinette,” that aims to present audiences with a revolutionary and contemporary...
After over a year of strictly pre-recorded and live streamed events, Emerson Dance Company is kicking off their first post-pandemic season in the Semel...
Cinema as we know it is filled with advanced animation, encapsulating sound, and enchanting visual effects, but it tends to forget those who cannot experience...
A new musical from Obie Award winner Whitney White running in Boston examines what it means to be an ambitious, contemporary Black woman using the themes...
Most people are familiar with the classic story of “Annie”—an orphan girl who is selected to live with rich man Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks who eventually...
Like many industries in the US, the comedic arts are dominated by white males, making it especially noteworthy and necessary when women of color take the...
Three Emerson students participated in the college’s orientation volunteer event at St. Francis House, the largest day shelter for those experiencing...
After 559 days of closed curtains and empty theaters, Emerson Stage kicked off its fall season with a production of “The Late Wedding,” a play about...
At the height of quarantine—the neverending stretch of summer break between campus closure in March 2020 and the beginning of the fall semester, students...
By Lucia Thorne, Living Arts Editor
/ March 17, 2021
While the pandemic rages on after more than a year has passed since it began, Americans’ go-to outlets for entertainment look quite different from how...
2020 was a wild year for music. Dua Lipa and Lady Gaga released albums loaded with club bangers just as clubs became a thing of the past. Fiona Apple made...
Director Lee Isaac Chung’s eye-opening film “MINARI'' left me teary-eyed. The film illustrates the struggles of a Korean American family as they are...
By Lucia Thorne, Living Arts Editor
/ March 2, 2021
Artificial intelligence, defined as “the development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence,” has the potential...
The endangered Parisian robot duo, Daft Punk, has gone extinct, announcing the decision on Monday via an eight-minute sequence dubbed “Epilogue,” taken...