Late on a Thursday night in September and via phone call, two long-distance friends and I recounted the details of videos that made us cry that past week.
The college has dropped its plan to collectively charge Little Building residents a $16,000 vandalism fee in the face of staunch opposition from its student...
By Hannah Nguyen, Editor-in-Chief
/ September 8, 2022
No masks, no Zoom, no COVID-19 restrictions—the class of 2026’s first semester doesn’t look all that different from the beginning of high school.
By Hannah Nguyen, Editor-in-Chief
/ February 17, 2022
After witnessing school reopenings, loosened mask mandates, and the nationwide push for booster shots, incoming Emerson students are hoping for a first-year...
By Frankie Rowley, Content Managing Editor
/ September 2, 2021
After a year of canceled proms, delayed graduations, and remote learning, the road to Emerson has been anything but normal for most first year students.
Moving onto campus for the first time as a freshman is daunting. Stepping out of your comfort zone while meeting new people from different backgrounds...
After the pandemic pushed traditional freshman orientation into Zoom, new students Maxwell Reid, Derek Delson, and William Blackwell Kinney decided to...
On the first day of classes this year, after I sprinted from the Park Street Station to the Walker Building, I took the stairs to avoid the long line for...
Freshman Marie Bou Aziz substituted into the game in the 24th minute against the Wentworth Institute of Technology Tuesday night and scored two goals,...
Junior Cassie Poirier identifies as a first-generation college student, yet she didn't know what that meant or the challenges it entailed until freshman...