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Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Junior Caroline King is the advocacy director for Generation Citizen: Emerson College.
Abby Noyes / Beacon Staff

Generation Citizen mobilizes high schoolers

By Ian Sloan, Former Staff / October 17, 2018

The organization Generation Citizen: Emerson College uses the energy of recent civic actions like March For Our Lives to teach energized students of...

Sophomore Alexa Bodner points to Swing Left Emerson's flyer. Bodner is the fundraising coordinator for Swing Left. Cullen Granzen/Beacon Staff

Swing Left Emerson leads change to flip the House

By Cassandre Coyer, Former Staff / September 27, 2018

After seeing Hillary Clinton tweet about the Swing Left fellowship program, senior Allison Mitchell aimed to inspire Emerson students by bringing the program...

Sophomore David Fadul reached out to the politicians and planned the forum. Photo courtesy of David Fadul.

Emerson lends a stage to local politics

By Stefania Lugli, Former Staff / April 1, 2018

Emerson will host two town hall-style forums on April 2 and April 3 with two candidates running to represent Massachusetts’ seventh congressional district....

It’s not that international students don’t know anything about U.S. politics—but that we are still learning. Photo Illustration by Cassandra Martinez / Beacon Staff

Asking is best policy for international students

By Ziqi Wang / March 28, 2018

When talking with my Emerson friends, I dread the inevitable moment when U.S. politics come up in conversation, because I know I will have nothing to say....

States of the Union is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and the Emerson College Bookstore. Photo: Courtesy of Michaela Papa.

Alumni anthology records election impressions

By Ally Rzesa, Former Staff / February 8, 2018

People processed the 2016 election differently—some took selfies with cardboard cut-outs of Donald Trump, while others took to the streets chanting,...

Paul Ross

Junior echoes John Oliver for new EIV show

By Owen Murray / February 5, 2018

This semester, junior journalism major Paul Ross plans to bring political commentary influenced by political comedians Stephen Colbert and John Oliver...