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Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

FAB approves appeals to Flawless Brown, ERA Awards

FAB approves appeals to Flawless Brown, ERA Awards

By Diana Bravo / February 24, 2019

The Student Government Association Financial Advisory Board unanimously granted two appeals from the Emerson Recognition and Achievement Awards and Flawless...

FAB grants Active Minds appeal to attend national conference

FAB grants Active Minds appeal to attend national conference

By Diana Bravo / January 26, 2019

The Student Government Association’s Financial Advisory Board granted $2,064 to the college’s chapter of Active Minds at their Jan. 24 meeting. FAB...

Residing in close proximity with a handful of students rarely makes for a problem-free living environment, but the frustration that builds up in these living situations hinders us from living a healthy life and forming positive relationships.  / Illustration by Ally Rzesa

Op-ed: Merit-based aid helps the privileged, need-based aid helps all

By Ian Mandt / December 6, 2018

Ian Mandt is the executive treasurer for the Student Government Association.  In order to pay for his daughter’s semester at Emerson Los Angeles,...

Unrecognized organizations receive funding for events

Unrecognized organizations receive funding for events

By Diana Bravo / November 27, 2018

The Student Government Association set aside $5,000 in funding for five unrecognized organizations at the weekly meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 20. The...

Beacon Podcast: SGA Elections

Beacon Podcast: SGA Elections

By Max Reyes / November 15, 2018

  The Student Government Association elections are this week. For the inaugural episode of our podcast, we sat down with Deputy Express Editor...

SGA votes to propose POWER commissioner on fall ballots

SGA votes to propose POWER commissioner on fall ballots

By Diana Bravo / November 7, 2018

The Student Government Association approved potential amendments to the SGA constitution including the ability to appoint a new non-voting member from...

Executive Treasurer Ian Mandt (right) said the treasury team will release a partial budget to prevent conflict between student organizations. Abigail Noyes / Beacon Staff

SGA approves new appeal request procedures

By Frances Hui / September 19, 2018

The Student Government Association unanimously voted to grant the Financial Advisory Board the authority to exclusively review appeal requests under $5,000...

EDITORIAL: Change still needed with co-curricular organizations

EDITORIAL: Change still needed with co-curricular organizations

By Editorial Board / September 13, 2018

At issue: Student workload increases Our take: Don’t take advantage of us Student organizations are a huge aspect of Emerson culture. And the system...

EDITORIAL: Spot the ethical dilemma in our funding

EDITORIAL: Spot the ethical dilemma in our funding

By Editorial Board / April 25, 2018

At issue: SGA has overseen the Beacon’s budget since 2011 Our take: For us to progress, we need our funding guaranteed Today, college newspapers...

Executive Treasure Ian Mandt heads the Financial Advisory Board. Cassandra Martinez / Beacon Archives

New SGA initiatives aim to improve college

By Chris Van Buskirk / April 19, 2018

The Student Government Association introduced three expansive documents suggesting solutions to what it claims constituents view as the college’s most...

LETTER: SGA Executive Treasurer Ian Mandt responds to "Don't ask students to fund scholarships"

LETTER: SGA Executive Treasurer Ian Mandt responds to “Don’t ask students to fund scholarships”

By Letter to the editor / April 15, 2018

Following the release of the editorial “Don’t ask students to fund scholarships,” I wanted to provide some clarifying information that we were not...

EDITORIAL: Don't ask students to fund scholarships

EDITORIAL: Don’t ask students to fund scholarships

By Editorial Board / April 12, 2018

At issue: An SGA-funded scholarship for student leaders Our take: Let’s focus on the scholarships our student body demanded The college tells us...

Annual budget requests totaled $901,326 for 2018-2019., according to SGA.  Graphic by Laura King / Berkeley Beacon

Organizations request more funding than 2017-18

By Chris Van Buskirk / April 12, 2018

The Student Government Association’s annual budget requests totaled $901,326, a $153,465 increase from last year. ABR allows SGA-recognized organizations,...

SGA talks recruitment and admissions, request more efforts towards diversity

SGA talks recruitment and admissions, request more efforts towards diversity

By Parker Purifoy / April 11, 2018

Class of 2020 President Christopher Henderson-West said Emerson should put forth a greater effort to diversify recruitment at the Student Government Association's meeting...

LETTER: Henderson-West responds to criticism of SGA

LETTER: Henderson-West responds to criticism of SGA

By Christopher Henderson-West / April 5, 2018

Someone asked me what I thought about what occurred on Tuesday morning, and here's the deal: The flagging of the Multi-Purpose Room on Tuesday morning...

A display of posters hung on the door of the Multi-Purpose Room holding SGA accountable for a lack of visibility among students. Curtsey of The Student Government Association.

SGA under fire for lack of innovation

By Chris Van Buskirk / April 4, 2018

An unknown party posted flyers criticizing the Student Government Association on the door of the Multi-Purpose Room on April 3 before the organization’s...

SGA signs onto Divest Emerson campaign

SGA signs onto Divest Emerson campaign

By Chris Van Buskirk / April 3, 2018

The Student Government Association pledged to support Earth Emerson’s efforts to withdraw the college’s investments from fossil fuels. The Divest...

Two SGA candidates run against each other in the first opposed election since Spring 2015. Photo: Daniel Peden for The Berkeley Beacon

Two candidates run for SGA executive president

By Chris Van Buskirk / March 29, 2018

Polls for the Student Government Association election opened midnight March 28. The race for executive president pits SGA Class of 2019 President Jessica...

The Berkeley Beacon endorses Henderson-West for SGA president

The Berkeley Beacon endorses Henderson-West for SGA president

By Editorial Board / March 29, 2018

At issue: SGA election is an opportunity to shake things up Our take: A one-on-one approach works best Over the last two weeks, Christopher Henderson-West’s...

SGA debates openly supporting gun control reform

SGA debates openly supporting gun control reform

By Chris Van Buskirk / March 28, 2018

Senior Matt Mogavero asked the Student Government Association to increase their involvement in the state-level gun control debate at their weekly joint...