FAB appoints new member, prepares for upcoming FEB vote

By Charlie McKenna

The Financial Advisory Board unanimously voted to appoint Marketing Communications Senator Talia Aiges to the board in their weekly meeting Thursday.

Prior to Aiges confirmation, there was some confusion surrounding whether or not she could be appointed to the role of Vice Treasurer and keep her senate position during the meeting. Executive Treasurer Abigail Semple made it clear that Aiges will serve solely as a voting member.

“She’s a really valued voice in the room and she would be able to come and vote and be an extra person,” Semple said.

Aiges said her work in finance for the Emerson Green Collective will provide her with insight into the potential complications of the budgetary process.

“Seeing how the process works, I feel like I could try to help with it because it’s a little hard right now,” she said during the meeting.

Semple praised Aiges for taking an interest in the school’s finances.

“[Aiges] is really fantastic and expressed interest in treasury which not many students do,” she said in an interview following the meeting.

FAB spent much of Thursday’s meeting discussing and finalizing Semple’s proposal to create a new Financial Equity Board, which SGA plans to vote on at their joint session meeting Tuesday.

FAB also continued to discuss potential revisions to the Annual Budget Request process for on-campus organizations.

“I still really do feel the construction we’ve used historically is not necessarily the most helpful,” Semple said. “I really do think we need to change the language that’s used.”

The meeting concluded with FAB approving a request from Alpha Epsilon Phi for a $675 neon sign that they will use at their annual Ribbons on the Runway event.