FAB grants Wack Magazine appeal


Madison Murillo

A Financial Advisory Board meeting from the spring of 2019.

By Diana Bravo, Copyeditor/Photographer

The Financial Advisory Board unanimously granted a $1,356 appeal to Wack Magazine Friday to fund their semesterly operations.

FAB was able to approve the appeal without a formal vote from student assembly as it totaled less than $5,000. Wack Magazine is a student-run magazine that takes submissions of all genres and mediums. 

“I love giving people money especially to these smaller, newer orgs,” Executive Treasurer Thomas Coughlin said in an interview. “Seeing how the ERA awards and the EVVY awards are going to be significantly drawn back this year, [appeal] funds are a lot more open. The precedent in the past is to try to hold on to that budget as much as possible…but I love supporting these organizations.”

The appeal included $200 for food-related expenses, which the college currently does not permit due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Coughlin said he would reach out to the group and inform them that they would still receive the money but must spend it on other items.