Financial Advisory Board delays vote on “unnecessary spending” items
January 17, 2020
The Financial Advisory Board delayed votes on key alterations to the Student Government Association Treasury policy Thursday as the required number of voting members were not in attendance at FAB’s scheduled weekly meeting.
FAB was set to vote on changes that have been in development since the conclusion of last semester, including a new limit on “unnecessary spending” by on-campus organizations and an overhaul of the current Annual Budget Request process.
In lieu of the meeting, Executive Treasurer Abigail Semple led a discussion on guidelines created for the Treasury Training Workshop, a presentation designed to highlight instructions and financial procedures that all SGA funded organizations are required to follow.
The SGA constitution dictates that in order for FAB to hold a meeting and address official business they must reach a quorum of at least three voting members.
“Quorum for the Financial Advisory Board consists of two-thirds of its voting membership,” the constitution reads.
Only one of FAB’s voting members, Executive Vice President Melissa Bordelon, was present at the meeting. FAB is expected to vote on the delayed alterations at next week’s Thursday meeting.