Monday, Dec. 14
An ECPD officer discovered graffiti on the walls of the Walker Building in Allen’s Alley adjacent to the dumpster. No suspect was identified.
Sunday, Jan. 3
An ECPD officer discovered an unauthorized non-community member in a conference room on the fifth floor of the Paramount Performance Center. ECPD identified the Emerson community member that assisted the unauthorized person to enter the building. That community member was referred to their department for violating community standards. The unauthorized person was escorted off campus.
Friday, Jan. 8
ECPD officers responded to a fire alarm in the Little Building. Emerson community members were evacuated from the basement, first and second floors. There was no fire. The alarm was deactivated and community members were allowed to reenter the building.
Wednesday, Jan. 20
ECPD officers responded to a fire alarm with evacuation from the basement, first and second floors. There was no fire. The alarm was deactivated and community members were allowed to reenter the building.