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Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Emerson College’s only independent, student-run newspaper since 1947

The Berkeley Beacon

Max Reyes, Former Staff

Latest from Max Reyes
Beacon Podcast: A Fond Farewell

Beacon Podcast: A Fond Farewell

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / December 27, 2018

In our final episode of the semester, we say goodbye to editor-in-chief Shafaq Patel.

Beacon Podcast: Library Vacancies

Beacon Podcast: Library Vacancies

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / December 6, 2018

Five Iwasaki Library staff members have left the college since the summer. We brought Beacon correspondent Katie Redefer on to explain.

Beacon Podcast: Sidewalk Expansion

Beacon Podcast: Sidewalk Expansion

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / November 29, 2018

The college has a proposal to expand the section of Boylston Street sidewalk adjacent to campus. We sat down with Beacon assistant sports editor and...

Beacon Podcast: SGA Elections

Beacon Podcast: SGA Elections

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / November 15, 2018

  The Student Government Association elections are this week. For the inaugural episode of our podcast, we sat down with Deputy Express Editor...

Staff union charges college with unfair labor charges

Staff union charges college with unfair labor charges

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / April 16, 2018

Emerson’s staff union filed unfair labor practice charges against the college this past March. Service Employees International Union 888 issued a...

From left to right, Yağmur Topçu, Zyanya Dickey, and Zoë Gadegbeku discussed their experiences at a panel for international students. Photo: Brooke Northrup / Beacon Staff

International students request more resources

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / March 28, 2018

Sophomore Yağmur Topçu’s improvisation class last year required her to speak spontaneously. But the words didn’t come naturally to her as a non-native...

Data from the 2017 Climate Survey indicated hourly staff felt they were not fairly compensated for their work.

Hourly staff feel unrecognized, underpaid

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / March 22, 2018

There are 16 thank you notes pinned to the bulletin board in Jaclyn Dentino’s office. The cards come from her supervisor, students, and from a school...

The crane will remain on the Little Building till November or December. Photo: Daniel Peden / Beacon Staff

Large crane towers over Little Building

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / March 14, 2018

Suffolk Construction placed a 150-feet-tall tower crane on top of the Little Building construction site on Sunday as part of ongoing renovations. In...

Union members wore picture frames featuring descriptions of the issues they face. Photo courtesy of Estelle Ticktin

Union members invite prospective students to picture themselves working at Emerson

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / February 28, 2018

Members of the college’s staff union gathered outside of the Cutler Majestic Theatre on Saturday morning wearing stylized picture frames around...

Students and administrators meet for Colonial noise

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / February 17, 2018

Students and administrators discussed construction noise issues that have dogged the Colonial Building across two semesters at a forum on Thursday night. Colonial...

The scaffolding on walker

Walker maintenance prompts scaffolding installation

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / February 14, 2018

Subcontractors removed pieces of Walker Building’s exterior this past weekend in preparation for future maintenance. Director of Construction...

Faculty assembly votes for permanent cultural competency committee

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / January 24, 2018

Faculty assembly voted to form a permanent committee dedicated to educating staff and students on cultural competency and making the curriculum more inclusive...

Zoe Chen struggled with grammar in an essay while at Kasteel Well. Courtesy of Zoe Chen

Students hired to improve writing resource at castle

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / January 18, 2018

Three students hired by the Lacerte Family Writing and Academic Resource Center will serve as writing consultants at Kasteel Well this semester as...

Incident Journal

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / December 7, 2017

The Incident Journal is provided to the Beacon weekly by the Emerson College Police Department. Beacon staff edit the Incident Journal for style and clarity,...

Union members negotiating their collective bargaining agreement last semester. Photo: Beacon Archive.

Union staff claims college stalling negotiations

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / December 7, 2017

Between 40 and 50 college staff union members waited in the cramped hallways outside of the union’s office in 145 Tremont St. to greet Emerson administrative...

Incident Journal

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / November 30, 2017

The Incident Journal is provided to the Beacon weekly by the Emerson College Police Department. Beacon staff edit the Incident Journal for style and clarity,...

Interior construction on The Commons should begin by the end of the week. 

No tuition money spent on new building

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / November 30, 2017

A college official said tuition money did not go toward the college’s purchase of the building at 171 Tremont St. Vice President for Administration...

Emerson staff employees and union members Richelle Devereaux-Murray and Dennis Levine protested outside the Dining Center in October.

Union members struggle on college wages

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / November 10, 2017

John-Albert Moseley makes less than $50,000 a year. He used to live in Dorchester, but he and his husband were forced to move to Providence, Rhode...

Interior construction on The Commons should begin by the end of the week. 

New building costs $24 million

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / November 10, 2017

The college bought the property across from Boston Common on 171 Tremont St. for $24 million this week, but plans for the space are still uncertain. President...

Incident Journal

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / November 9, 2017

The Incident Journal is provided to the Beacon weekly by the Emerson College Police Department. Beacon staff edit the Incident Journal for style and clarity,...

Incident Journal

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / November 2, 2017

The Incident Journal is provided to the Beacon weekly by the Emerson College Police Department. Beacon staff edit the Incident Journal for style and...

Incident Journal

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / October 26, 2017

The Incident Journal is provided to the Beacon weekly by the Emerson College Police Department. Beacon staff edit the Incident Journal for style and clarity,...

Union members said Emerson’s staff is underpaid compared to other institutions.

College staff in union protest low wages

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / October 18, 2017

Emerson staff members held signs that read: “We love Emerson but we can’t afford to work here” outside the Dining Center as part of a protest composed...

Incident Journal

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / October 12, 2017

The Incident Journal is provided to the Beacon weekly by the Emerson College Police Department. Beacon staff edit the Incident Journal for style and clarity,...

Drug and alcohol violations steady post policy change

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / October 5, 2017

The number of on-campus alcohol violation referrals increased slightly in 2016, according to the Clery Compliance Report. Associate Dean and Director of...

Incident Journal

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / October 5, 2017

The Incident Journal is provided to the Beacon weekly by the Emerson College Police Department. Beacon staff edit the Incident Journal for style and clarity,...

Incident Journal

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / September 14, 2017

The Incident Journal is provided to the Beacon weekly by the Emerson College Police Department. Beacon staff edit the Incident Journal for style and...

Emerson's Hispanic Population Graphic

Admissions takes steps toward diversity

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / September 13, 2017

According to documents provided by the college, Emerson’s Hispanic population increased 24 percent, or 25 students, from last year. Ruthanne Madsen,...

The scene of the crime in Boston Common.

Man shot on Boston Common

By Parker Purifoy, Chris Van Buskirk, Olivia Carey and Max Reyes / September 12, 2017

Students were told to lock and barricade their doors after both Emerson College and the Boston Police Department received reports of gunshots on the Boston...

College purchases Adobe Creative Cloud

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / September 7, 2017

Emerson College Information Technology said they provided the college with a campus-wide license for Adobe Creative Cloud because of the program’s cost...

Beacon Archive.

Summer construction builds up student spaces

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / September 6, 2017

Emerson gained several new dining and social spaces as it lost the entirety of the Little Building to renovations this summer. 2 Boylston Place has...

Emerson debuts new brand

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / July 20, 2017

Update: This article originally stated that only current students could access the branding website with an Emerson log-in. The site is now open to the...

Song Park said he was injured by closing elevator doors.BRIANNA O'SHAUGHNESSY / BEACON CORRESPONDENT

Inaccessible infrastructure limits students with disabilities

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / April 19, 2017

Song Park said he knew Boston wasn’t the most accessible city before coming to Emerson. A Palo Alto native, he said he wanted to get out of California....

Alumna makes Massachusetts Supreme Court

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / March 16, 2017

Massachusetts Supreme Court Justice Margot Botsford stepped down Wednesday, making space for her replacement, Emerson College alumna Elspeth “Ellie”...

BPDA approves Fenway lease

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / January 26, 2017

City officials have approved Emerson’s proposal to lease property in Fenway to temporarily house students during campus construction. Earlier this...

Katja Vujic helped to organize for 50 Emerson community members to go to D.C.

Trip to DC protest funded by college offices

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / January 18, 2017

Students watching coverage of the Women’s March on Washington this Saturday may see some familiar faces. With support from the college, 48 students...

Students march with anti-Trump protests

Students march with anti-Trump protests

By Max Reyes, Former Staff / November 17, 2016

Emerson students joined the thousands who marched through downtown Boston on Wednesday night to express their dissatisfaction with this week’s election...