Being the Student Government Association Executive Treasurer was both the best and worst year of college. Though it may shock some, I am shy and never...
Student Government Association Executive Treasurer Thomas Coughlin is not running for a second term, presumably leaving one of the organization’s most...
The Student Government Association appointed rising sophomore Jehan Ayesha to its executive vice presidency Monday after a sudden shake up of the organization's...
The Student Government Association unanimously voted to eliminate several constitutional elections bylaws at their weekly Joint Session meeting Tuesday...
By Andrew Brinker, Former Senior Investigative Reporter
/ February 20, 2020
n examination of the recent execution of SGA’s election policies revealed a systemic, and at times purposeful, failure to adhere to elections protocols—exposing...
Host Ryan Ribeiro and SGA reporter Andrew Brinker are joined by SGA Executive Treasurer Abigail Semple to talk about eligibility questions raised in the...
By Andrew Brinker, Former Senior Investigative Reporter
/ February 6, 2020
Student Government Association Executive Treasurer Abigail Semple faces questions about the legitimacy of her initial election to the organization and...
By Tomas Gonzalez, Former Staff Writer/Photographer
/ January 16, 2020
Student Government Association Executive Treasurer Abigail Semple is poised to unveil the new Financial Equity Board at Tuesday’s joint session meeting...
By Andrew Brinker, Former Senior Investigative Reporter
/ December 14, 2019
The Financial Advisory Board, in an informal meeting Thursday which lasted around 20 minutes, discussed potential changes to the Student Government Association’s...
By Andrew Brinker, Former Senior Investigative Reporter
/ November 7, 2019
The college’s IT department apologized to members of the Student Government Association Tuesday for a string of recent issues in the department.
By Andrew Brinker, Former Senior Investigative Reporter
/ October 31, 2019
The Student Government Association failed to publicly post joint session meeting minutes 48 hours after their approval for the weeks of Oct. 1 and 15.
By Andrew Brinker, Former Senior Investigative Reporter
/ October 27, 2019
The Financial Advisory Board unanimously approved two appeals requests worth just over $3,500 on Thursday, while two additional requests were dismissed.
By Andrew Brinker, Former Senior Investigative Reporter
/ October 13, 2019
The Financial Advisory Board, in a rare decision, denied part of one of the first appeal requests of the year on Thursday from Emerson’s Esports team.
By Andrew Brinker, Former Senior Investigative Reporter
/ October 4, 2019
The Financial Advisory Board met in a closed executive session on Thursday to discuss a late Annual Budget Request from the Emerson Skunks, the college’s...
Executive Treasurer Abigail Semple’s fee amendment that would bar some student organizations from charging participation fees follows a months-long hiring...
Update 9/19: The Financial Advisory Board did not vote on the proposed fee amendment. A discussion and potential vote are scheduled for Sept. 26 at 3...
Junior Abigail Semple will assume the Student Government Association executive treasurer position for the 2019–20 academic year after sophomore Joseph...
Freshman Brady Baca dropped out of the Student Government Association executive treasurer’s race on March 28, leaving junior Abigail Semple as the only...